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geo-11 Deep Rock Galactic

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:48 pm
by EpsilonLyrae
Tested with latest steam version of the game (YMMV if you are playing a pirated version)

Relevant environment specs:

Windows 10 21H2 (latest updates installed)
RTX 3070 GPU, 516.40 drivers + 3D vision driver installed for DX9 compatibility (I let 3dfixmanager install whatever it wanted to from the drivers tab, then waited in that tab until 3dfixmanager was satisfied that DX9 3dvision should be working correctly)
Primary display: 4k 120hz, Gsync Off (using custom 1440p resolution+ nvtimingsed to get it to work with my glasses)
3dv1 glasses
Overlay software present: Steam. No problems noted. Other overlays may cause problems, YMMV

Link to fix: ... actic.html

Process followed:

*Installed game, ran it to make sure it works on my system.
*Installed 3dfix according to instructions on the fix page, including running the suggested 1 time script
*Downloaded geo-11 version 0.6.10, copied over all files except for d3dx.ini to retain the original fix settings
*Opened d3dx.ini, changed force_stereo = 2 to enable geo-11
*opened d3dxdm.ini, changed direct_mode = nvidiadx9, dm_separation = 10, dm_convergence = 1.0 (these settings are comfortable on my large display and for use in VR. These are not recommendations for you to use, this is just me being thorough in mentioning the specifics of my test environment)
*Opened the game via steam, selected the DX11 mode, waited (the waiting part is important, the UE fix uses a lot of regexes and load times will initially be lengthy, this takes longer the slower your CPU, GPU, and drive the game is installed on are, be patient)

Game eventually runs successfully, launched first try (worth noting, other games have required several attempts to boot before they actually open.) Played through the entire tutorial sequence. I found the game looked better after I pressed Numpad -, this is probably something you can adjust to taste.

Observed issues:

*Deformed terrain generates at an odd depth. It almost looks like the left/right eye is inverted, only for new terrain.
*Lighting in some scenarios resulted in stereo fighting as each eye receives a different angle light texture from sources like your mobile drone that you can deposit ore into. Relatively minor, other less direct light sources looked perfect
*Stereo fighting in some reflective surfaces, most notably in areas where a reflective surface is picking up a light source, each eye receives more or less of the reflected light
*It's a common sentiment that getting UE4 games to run requires you to enable the global hack in 3d fix manager, however, with my current configuration, I cannot enable the global hack. In spite of this, the game boots fine and geo-11 is working.
*The hotkeys that control separation and convergence are "stuck" to what the 3d vision driver asks for, and the UI defaults to the 3d vision UI and not the geo-11 UI. Likewise, the dedicated "help" button that this fix has doesn't bring up any new UI elements. However, the hotkeys defined by the fix work correctly and produce their intended effects.
*Unclear if these observed issues are a result of me not configuring the game correctly. My setup doesn't allow me to use 3dfixmanager, so anything that specific program does to configure or limit the game is not likely working correctly. I may be using in-game settings that are causing these rendering errors.

Did not test: Side by side mode (current driver config is optimized for 3d vision support, getting HelixVision setup often breaks my 3d vision hardware support by forcing all games to run in anaglyph 3d. However, in my experience so far, SBS/TAB output of geo-11 is more stable than nvidia_dx9 or nvidia_dx11, so this probably works fine), nvidia_dx11 (not supported by my hardware), native 3d vision output (unable to test on my hardware), low convergence aiming mode of the fix (I prefer a universally low convergence without changing it unless required by specific menus or cutscenes)

Can't compare to native 3dvision without geo-11, but in spite of the observed issues, the game overall looked great. 1440p output from my GPU looks very clean and sharp when contrasted against any resolution output sent to my Valve index.

Re: geo-11 Deep Rock Galactic

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 9:59 pm
by EpsilonLyrae
, see post below

Re: geo-11 Deep Rock Galactic

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:36 am
by EpsilonLyrae
Crosshair is moderately improved by changing to the "manual screen space auto depth mode", setting 20%~ in all directions, and keeping your ` key handy. Use the auto crosshair depth in missions, turn it off for the lobby and menuing, too.
Use AO Mode "2" to fix AO for this game.
I prefer lens flairs off, bloom on, you can do whatever, they both appear to be fixed if you want them on.

A pixelshader with the hash of 03a43a0f4c6c6963 is picked up by the universal fix and receives a regex patch, however, it appears to be fixed incorrectly. With shadows on anything but low, the flashlight renders to a different location in each eye, and this affects all objects the flashlight hits. Some specular lights are also picked up by the universal fix and do not get fixed properly. Most of these problems can be fixed by setting shadows to low (a tweak that you'll immediately notice makes the game look like poop in the main hub, but is much less noticeable while in missions), but some other lighting effects (that are probably specular regex issues much like what's observed with the flashlight shader), some of which can be seen in the Hollow Bough - some of the vines are shiny and have stereo fighting issues with the perceived reflections of light. In the main hub, the light reflected from a puddle near the "Deep Dive" terminal is different from each eye, and appears to be pushing to screen depth.

In full:

*The code that auto detects HUD elements and tries to figure out what the crosshair is doesn't work correctly. You must revert to the manual function that lets you designate a certain percent of the screen as auto depth to push the crosshairs to depth (from what I've played so far, 20% in all directions seems to be enough to capture the crosshair of every weapon while minimally affecting actual HUD items). The game is still plenty playable in this state, however, it would be a significant quality of life improvement to fix the auto depth hud elements to work correctly. This would ideally catch the enemy nameplates and health bars to push them to a proper depth, or optionally, ignore them entirely so they don't have depth changing as they enter and exit the center screen space.
*Some specular light effects / shadows(?) are identified by the regex of the universal fix, but seem to be patched incorrectly. The game is technically playable in this state with only minor instances of stereo fighting if you set the shadows to "Low", however, we could significantly improve the visuals of the game if these shaders were addressed in an updated fix. This would also fix a small handful of effects that render improperly even with shadows set to low.

note: Previously I had claimed that you needed to manually edit one of the HUD shaders to get the crosshair to proper depth. This is incorrect, and I confirmed after spending 15 minutes of exhaustive left eye / right eye testing with the crosshair in different biomes at many, many different depths. Setting the HUD up so you can define the center 20% of the screen to be auto depth is sufficient to correct the crosshairs.