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geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:00 pm
by rebootjac
I went for the jugular immediately, sorry.

Context: What I can tell you is that I got this game to work in SBS either with VorpX or Tridef in the past, I can't remember which but I KNOW this game works in 3d. What I remember doing to make it work (for those that are interested) is taking the official Elite Dangerous profile from one of those two 3d drivers (this is because Elite Dangerous also uses Cobra as it's game engine) and made a new one based off of it but change the profile's depth settings to a negative value or something like that so that the depth was correctly rendered and wasn't backwards. I believe I also disabled the shadows as well to get a semi/enjoyable experience when I did this.

It would be really great to get this to work with Geo-11. I first tried it on Dx1I mode and I get the driver's green gui on top but other than that, the game is completely black with the game sound in the background. Only when I enable dx9 mode do I get the game back (albeit 2d.) When I use dx9, I do not get the green GUI.

Enabling the upscaling = 2 allows the game to be force closed with Task Manager, otherwise it gets stuck in fullscreen and no way to get out of it without restarting the computer.
Upscaling mode = 1 or 2 doesn't seem to do much of anything (that I can tell.)


Profile "Planet Coaster"
ShowOn GeForce
Executable "planetcoaster.exe"
Setting ID_0x105e2a1d = 0x00000004
Setting ID_0x106d5cff = 0x00000000 // Do not display this profile in the Control Panel
Setting ID_0x10f9dc81 = 0x00000011 // Enable application for Optimus
Setting ID_0x80857a28 = 0x00000001

----------- End driver profile settings -----------
DWORD setting 0x701eb457 changed to 0x00000001
DWORD setting 0x00b82343 changed to 0x00000001
Profile update successful
Destroying DLL...

Looking up profiles related to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planet Coaster\PlanetCoaster.exe
*** NvAPI_Stereo_SetDriverMode to Direct, failed: NVAPI_STEREO_VERSION_MISMATCH
Trying to load original_d3d11.dll
Hooked_LoadLibraryExW switching to original dll: original_d3d11.dll to C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll.
*** IDXGIFactory creating hook for CreateSwapChain.
Successfully installed IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain hook.
Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000000000459B8B0
*** IDXGIFactory2 creating hooks for CreateSwapChain variants.
Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForHwnd hook.
Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow hook.
Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForComposition hook.
CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 000000000459B8B0, result = 0

*** D3D11CreateDevice called with
pAdapter = 0000000005BAE890
Flags = 0
pFeatureLevels = 0
FeatureLevels = 0
ppDevice = 0000000000000000
pFeatureLevel = 0x1
ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000
->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0.
D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 0000000000000000, context handle = 0000000000000000
-> device handle = 0000000000000000, device wrapper = 0000000000000000, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000
->D3D11CreateDevice result = 1
*** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory called with riid: IDXGIFactory
Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000000000458F030
CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 000000000458F030, result = 0

*** D3D11CreateDevice called with
pAdapter = 00000000045AAAF0
Flags = 0
pFeatureLevels = 0
FeatureLevels = 0
ppDevice = 0000000000000000
pFeatureLevel = 0x496f8150
ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000
->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0.
D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 0000000000000000, context handle = 0000000000000000
-> device handle = 0000000000000000, device wrapper = 0000000000000000, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000
->D3D11CreateDevice result = 1

*** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with
pAdapter = 00000000045AAAF0
Flags = 0
pFeatureLevels = 0xb000
FeatureLevels = 1
pSwapChainDesc = 0000000010EAFD50
ppSwapChain = 0000000010EAFD38
ppDevice = 0000000010EAFD20
pFeatureLevel = 0
ppImmediateContext = 0000000010EAFD40
->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000
Windowed = 1
Width = 1600
Height = 1024
Refresh rate = -nan(ind)
BufferCount = 2
SwapEffect = 0
Flags = 0x2
Successfully installed window pos hooks
->Forcing Width to = 1920
->Forcing Height to = 1080
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateDX9Device called on thread: 3848
direct_mode=nvidia_dx9 DX9 device created: 00000000146264E0
->Created child window for dx11: 0x703b4

Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain, passing through
D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain returned device handle = 0000000014822498, context handle = 0000000014836250, swap chain = 00000000149932C0
Checking what interfaces 0000000014822498 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 0000000014821C50
Supports IDXGIDevice: 0000000014821CA8
Supports IDXGIDevice1: 0000000014821CA8
Supports IDXGIDevice2: 0000000014821CA8
Supports IDXGIObject: 0000000014821CA8
Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000000148224D0
Supports ID3D11Device: 0000000014822498
Supports ID3D11Device1: 0000000014822498
Supports IDXGIDevice3: 0000000014821CA8
Supports ID3D11Device2: 0000000014822498
Supports IDXGIDevice4: 0000000014821CA8
Supports ID3D11Device3: 0000000014822498
Supports ID3D11Device4: 0000000014822498
Supports ID3D11Multithread: 00000000148224D0
Supports ID3D11Device5: 0000000014822498
Checking what interfaces 0000000014836250 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 0000000014836160
Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000000014836228
Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 0000000014836250
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 0000000014836250
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 0000000014836250
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext2: 0000000014836250
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext3: 0000000014836250
Supports ID3D11Multithread: 0000000014836228
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext4: 0000000014836250
Checking what interfaces 00000000149932C0 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGIDeviceSubObject: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGIObject: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGISwapChain: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGISwapChain1: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGISwapChain2: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGISwapChainMedia: 0000000014993330
Supports IDXGISwapChain3: 00000000149932C0
Supports IDXGISwapChain4: 00000000149932C0
QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 0000000014822498
QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 0000000014836250
register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 0000000014821C50 -> HackerDevice: 00000000149D52E0
HackerDeviceDirectMode 00000000149D52E0 created to wrap 0000000014822498
Creating FrameAnalysisContext
HackerContextDM 00000000244B5360 created to wrap 0000000014836250
HackerDeviceDirectMode::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDeviceDirectMode@00000000149D52E0) called.
creating stereo parameter texture.
creating .ini constant parameter texture.
IniParam texture created, handle = 00000000244FA9F8
creating IniParam resource view.
Iniparams resource view created, handle = 000000001434AD40.
Created pink mode pixel shader: 0
Optimising command lists...
Statically evaluated "Operator "-"[ Operand "1" ]" as -1.000000
Statically evaluated "Operator "-"[ Operand "1" ]" as -1.000000
Statically evaluated "Operator "-"[ Operand "1" ]" as -1.000000
Optimised out post [commandlistunbindallrendertargets] run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets
Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms
-> device handle = 0000000014822498, device wrapper = 00000000149D52E0, context handle = 0000000014836250, context wrapper = 00000000244B5360
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140
HackerDeviceDirectMode::NvAPI_Stereo_Activate failed: -140
created NVAPI stereo handle. Handle = 0000000000000000
Overlay::Overlay created for 00000000149932C0
on HackerDevice: 00000000149D52E0, HackerContext: 00000000244B5360
HackerSwapChain::dm_wrap_back_buffer(class HackerSwapChainDirectMode@00000000146D2830)
i: 0, Width: 1920, Height: 1080
back buffer width - 1920, height - 1080
back_buffer orig handle = 000000001482E9B8, array size = 1, BindFlags = 32, CPUAccessFlags = 0, Format = 28, Width = 1920, Height = 1080, MipLevels = 1, SampleDesc.Count = 1, SampleDesc.Quality = 0, Usage = 0
HackerSwapChain::dm_wrap_back_buffer(class HackerSwapChainDirectMode@00000000146D2830)
i: 1, Width: 1920, Height: 1080
back buffer width - 1920, height - 1080
back_buffer orig handle = 00000000149271F8, array size = 1, BindFlags = 32, CPUAccessFlags = 0, Format = 28, Width = 1920, Height = 1080, MipLevels = 1, SampleDesc.Count = 1, SampleDesc.Quality = 0, Usage = 0
*** CreateSurfaceQueue, width - 3840.
-> HackerSwapChainDirectModeD3D9 = 00000000146D2830 wrapper of ppSwapChain = 00000000149932C0
->D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain result = 5e

*** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with
pAdapter = 00000000045AAAF0
Flags = 0
pFeatureLevels = 0xb000
FeatureLevels = 1
pSwapChainDesc = 0000000010EAFD50
ppSwapChain = 0000000010EAFD38
ppDevice = 0000000010EAFD20
pFeatureLevel = 0xb000
ppImmediateContext = 0000000010EAFD40
->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000
Windowed = 1
Width = 1600
Height = 1024
Refresh rate = -nan(ind)
BufferCount = 2
SwapEffect = 0
Flags = 0x2
->Forcing Width to = 1920
->Forcing Height to = 1080
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateDX9Device called on thread: 3848
direct_mode=nvidia_dx9 DX9 device created: 0000000024AD62C0
->Created child window for dx11: 0x50448

Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain, passing through
D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain returned device handle = 0000000024B9BDE8, context handle = 0000000024B9D090, swap chain = 0000000024D9D3A0
Checking what interfaces 0000000024B9BDE8 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 0000000024B9B5A0
Supports IDXGIDevice: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports IDXGIDevice1: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports IDXGIDevice2: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports IDXGIObject: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000000024B9BE20
Supports ID3D11Device: 0000000024B9BDE8
Supports ID3D11Device1: 0000000024B9BDE8
Supports IDXGIDevice3: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports ID3D11Device2: 0000000024B9BDE8
Supports IDXGIDevice4: 0000000024B9B5F8
Supports ID3D11Device3: 0000000024B9BDE8
Supports ID3D11Device4: 0000000024B9BDE8
Supports ID3D11Multithread: 0000000024B9BE20
Supports ID3D11Device5: 0000000024B9BDE8
Checking what interfaces 0000000024B9D090 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 0000000024B9CFA0
Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000000024B9D068
Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 0000000024B9D090
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 0000000024B9D090
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 0000000024B9D090
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext2: 0000000024B9D090
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext3: 0000000024B9D090
Supports ID3D11Multithread: 0000000024B9D068
Supports ID3D11DeviceContext4: 0000000024B9D090
Checking what interfaces 0000000024D9D3A0 supports...
Supports IUnknown: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGIDeviceSubObject: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGIObject: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGISwapChain: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGISwapChain1: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGISwapChain2: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGISwapChainMedia: 0000000024D9D410
Supports IDXGISwapChain3: 0000000024D9D3A0
Supports IDXGISwapChain4: 0000000024D9D3A0
QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 0000000024B9BDE8
QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 0000000024B9D090
register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 0000000024B9B5A0 -> HackerDevice: 0000000024DE32C0
HackerDeviceDirectMode 0000000024DE32C0 created to wrap 0000000024B9BDE8
Creating FrameAnalysisContext
HackerContextDM 00000000250235C0 created to wrap 0000000024B9D090
HackerDeviceDirectMode::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDeviceDirectMode@0000000024DE32C0) called.
creating stereo parameter texture.
creating .ini constant parameter texture.
IniParam texture created, handle = 000000002501FA78
creating IniParam resource view.
Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000000014351280.
Created pink mode pixel shader: 0
Optimising command lists...
Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms
-> device handle = 0000000024B9BDE8, device wrapper = 0000000024DE32C0, context handle = 0000000024B9D090, context wrapper = 00000000250235C0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140
HackerDeviceDirectMode::NvAPI_Stereo_Activate failed: -140
created NVAPI stereo handle. Handle = 0000000000000000
Overlay::Overlay created for 0000000024D9D3A0
on HackerDevice: 0000000024DE32C0, HackerContext: 00000000250235C0
HackerSwapChain::dm_wrap_back_buffer(class HackerSwapChainDirectMode@0000000024C16C90)
i: 0, Width: 1920, Height: 1080
back buffer width - 1920, height - 1080
back_buffer orig handle = 00000000244FBEF8, array size = 1, BindFlags = 32, CPUAccessFlags = 0, Format = 28, Width = 1920, Height = 1080, MipLevels = 1, SampleDesc.Count = 1, SampleDesc.Quality = 0, Usage = 0
HackerSwapChain::dm_wrap_back_buffer(class HackerSwapChainDirectMode@0000000024C16C90)
i: 1, Width: 1920, Height: 1080
back buffer width - 1920, height - 1080
back_buffer orig handle = 0000000024D9FE38, array size = 1, BindFlags = 32, CPUAccessFlags = 0, Format = 28, Width = 1920, Height = 1080, MipLevels = 1, SampleDesc.Count = 1, SampleDesc.Quality = 0, Usage = 0
*** CreateSurfaceQueue, width - 3840.
-> HackerSwapChainDirectModeD3D9 = 0000000024C16C90 wrapper of ppSwapChain = 0000000024D9D3A0
->D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain result = 5e
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateTexture3D called with parameters
InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 24c8e233
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateTexture3D called with parameters
InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8dee9e6b
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 976, handle = 00000001417A9F60
FNV hash = 31617ddec95006ce
shader registered for possible reloading: 31617ddec95006ce_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000000458A200
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 00000001417AA330
FNV hash = 97b1c5c20ec3821a
shader registered for possible reloading: 97b1c5c20ec3821a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000000458A330
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 976, handle = 0000000141761DB0
FNV hash = 53f3ea5d70677713
shader registered for possible reloading: 53f3ea5d70677713_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000000458A7F0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 0000000141762180
FNV hash = 67ce1efbd980284f
shader registered for possible reloading: 67ce1efbd980284f_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB940
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 976, handle = 0000000141771620
FNV hash = 00a331408dfdc954
shader registered for possible reloading: 00a331408dfdc954_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB350
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 00000001417719F0
FNV hash = 1a07245133d7d9e1
shader registered for possible reloading: 1a07245133d7d9e1_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BCB10
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 976, handle = 000000014175F540
FNV hash = 05f05e408501e95d
shader registered for possible reloading: 05f05e408501e95d_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB480
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2268, handle = 000000014175F910
FNV hash = 0ef2f6554b46da36
shader registered for possible reloading: 0ef2f6554b46da36_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC9E0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6460, handle = 00000001417601F0
FNV hash = eb34f2c2e3fd41ee
shader registered for possible reloading: eb34f2c2e3fd41ee_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BBA70
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 22164, handle = 0000000141767F80
FNV hash = efb17b0753125107
shader registered for possible reloading: efb17b0753125107_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BBE00
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6692, handle = 00000001417A4050
FNV hash = 6757d86b1f27f20e
shader registered for possible reloading: 6757d86b1f27f20e_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BCC40
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6996, handle = 00000001417A7710
FNV hash = 0239599079f28f59
shader registered for possible reloading: 0239599079f28f59_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB5B0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6936, handle = 000000014176D620
FNV hash = 35c8b979b796672a
shader registered for possible reloading: 35c8b979b796672a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BBBA0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7308, handle = 00000001417A5A80
FNV hash = 75716760b5251a5a
shader registered for possible reloading: 75716760b5251a5a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BCD70
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7296, handle = 00000001417A23D0
FNV hash = d2d5fb995de2999b
shader registered for possible reloading: d2d5fb995de2999b_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BCEA0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8184, handle = 00000001417722E0
FNV hash = 6f160506ba1b424d
shader registered for possible reloading: 6f160506ba1b424d_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BCFD0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8324, handle = 000000014179E250
FNV hash = 7080a63bc1515d16
shader registered for possible reloading: 7080a63bc1515d16_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BBCD0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8428, handle = 00000001417A02E0
FNV hash = dbcfa861066dcc93
shader registered for possible reloading: dbcfa861066dcc93_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB6E0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8636, handle = 000000014179C090
FNV hash = ed4c2604d099ef4a
shader registered for possible reloading: ed4c2604d099ef4a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BBF30
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8624, handle = 00000001417AC8B0
FNV hash = 3063dba6566c24a8
shader registered for possible reloading: 3063dba6566c24a8_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC060
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8992, handle = 000000014175AB90
FNV hash = f5a515e94a1048f4
shader registered for possible reloading: f5a515e94a1048f4_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC780
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9548, handle = 00000001417423F0
FNV hash = a3a14161e7663fb3
shader registered for possible reloading: a3a14161e7663fb3_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC3F0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9236, handle = 0000000141744940
FNV hash = 69d618fe0218ce58
shader registered for possible reloading: 69d618fe0218ce58_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BB810
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 000000014175CEB0
FNV hash = 450e93aa5465a576
shader registered for possible reloading: 450e93aa5465a576_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC2C0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9848, handle = 0000000141758510
FNV hash = 27175032ac893910
shader registered for possible reloading: 27175032ac893910_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC190
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11312, handle = 000000014174D030
FNV hash = 0e6e35ce33a2507a
shader registered for possible reloading: 0e6e35ce33a2507a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC520
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11552, handle = 0000000141752AC0
FNV hash = 7ff85cef65e359bd
shader registered for possible reloading: 7ff85cef65e359bd_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E1BC650
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11556, handle = 00000001417557E0
FNV hash = 584a06616f2c1ba6
shader registered for possible reloading: 584a06616f2c1ba6_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000000458A6C0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 000000014174FC60
FNV hash = 2f31d37d7f855e86
shader registered for possible reloading: 2f31d37d7f855e86_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000000458A920
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11852, handle = 000000014174A1E0
FNV hash = d678c30150f75f85
shader registered for possible reloading: d678c30150f75f85_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2374D0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2084, handle = 0000000141762A70
FNV hash = 84e5a5e6c256d0db
shader registered for possible reloading: 84e5a5e6c256d0db_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237270
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3304, handle = 00000001417A9270
FNV hash = f8e8474b1724c964
shader registered for possible reloading: f8e8474b1724c964_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2386A0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2468, handle = 0000000141715F60
FNV hash = d4783acae5392132
shader registered for possible reloading: d4783acae5392132_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237010
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2904, handle = 000000014170F950
FNV hash = 7ce2adcbca11f0e9
shader registered for possible reloading: 7ce2adcbca11f0e9_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237140
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3264, handle = 0000000141766110
FNV hash = 55d7eda77f8030de
shader registered for possible reloading: 55d7eda77f8030de_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238B60
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3692, handle = 00000001417632A0
FNV hash = e7d7af606d324df4
shader registered for possible reloading: e7d7af606d324df4_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238C90
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 640, handle = 0000000141761B30
FNV hash = b66d2742c30f83c4
shader registered for possible reloading: b66d2742c30f83c4_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237600
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1604, handle = 00000001417AC260
FNV hash = 9dd625bd8bb8fef0
shader registered for possible reloading: 9dd625bd8bb8fef0_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2381E0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 648, handle = 0000000141714520
FNV hash = 4bc3a22b150640b9
shader registered for possible reloading: 4bc3a22b150640b9_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237730
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 00000001417670F0
FNV hash = 5d6c5c2cdbfe3677
shader registered for possible reloading: 5d6c5c2cdbfe3677_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237D20
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000000014176F470
FNV hash = 5d6c5c2cdbfe3677
shader registered for possible reloading: 5d6c5c2cdbfe3677_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238310
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 872, handle = 0000000141770300
FNV hash = 0ab227e2382c3ac5
shader registered for possible reloading: 0ab227e2382c3ac5_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237BF0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 872, handle = 00000001417104E0
FNV hash = 0ab227e2382c3ac5
shader registered for possible reloading: 0ab227e2382c3ac5_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238570
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 872, handle = 00000001417AAC20
FNV hash = 0ab227e2382c3ac5
shader registered for possible reloading: 0ab227e2382c3ac5_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2387D0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 00000001417644D0
FNV hash = ae75892cf71ccb16
shader registered for possible reloading: ae75892cf71ccb16_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238900
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 0000000141746D60
FNV hash = ae75892cf71ccb16
shader registered for possible reloading: ae75892cf71ccb16_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238A30
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 0000000141711800
FNV hash = ae75892cf71ccb16
shader registered for possible reloading: ae75892cf71ccb16_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E238DC0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2436, handle = 0000000141714BA0
FNV hash = 8a8f8ff2ac2d9fc3
shader registered for possible reloading: 8a8f8ff2ac2d9fc3_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2373A0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2980, handle = 00000001417673D0
FNV hash = d8ecf065c51b3b9f
shader registered for possible reloading: d8ecf065c51b3b9f_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237860
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2980, handle = 000000014176F750
FNV hash = d8ecf065c51b3b9f
shader registered for possible reloading: d8ecf065c51b3b9f_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237990
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4004, handle = 0000000141770670
FNV hash = 07b02f0cb28d2461
shader registered for possible reloading: 07b02f0cb28d2461_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237AC0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4004, handle = 0000000141710850
FNV hash = 07b02f0cb28d2461
shader registered for possible reloading: 07b02f0cb28d2461_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237E50
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4004, handle = 00000001417AAF90
FNV hash = 07b02f0cb28d2461
shader registered for possible reloading: 07b02f0cb28d2461_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E237F80
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6052, handle = 0000000141764960
FNV hash = 43474a8d9416161c
shader registered for possible reloading: 43474a8d9416161c_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 000000002E2380B0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6052, handle = 0000000141747200
FNV hash = 43474a8d9416161c
shader registered for possible reloading: 43474a8d9416161c_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0060
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6052, handle = 0000000141711C90
FNV hash = 43474a8d9416161c
shader registered for possible reloading: 43474a8d9416161c_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0FD0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 952, handle = 0000000141764110
FNV hash = d76c33e7576c0711
shader registered for possible reloading: d76c33e7576c0711_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0190
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 836, handle = 0000000141716910
FNV hash = f6b1850218ff3989
shader registered for possible reloading: f6b1850218ff3989_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E1BB0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 760, handle = 000000014176F140
FNV hash = 5a83cfd78bae63ac
shader registered for possible reloading: 5a83cfd78bae63ac_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E1A80
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 760, handle = 00000001417489B0
FNV hash = 58da7f46e3af3492
shader registered for possible reloading: 58da7f46e3af3492_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E1490
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 792, handle = 0000000141766DD0
FNV hash = 7f6a5e0e78c5a3c0
shader registered for possible reloading: 7f6a5e0e78c5a3c0_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E02C0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 792, handle = 00000001417ABF40
FNV hash = 8c70996ead078ab2
shader registered for possible reloading: 8c70996ead078ab2_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E1100
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateTexture3D called with parameters
InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = ce39cf53
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateTexture3D called with parameters
InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 671fb30b
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000000141883790
FNV hash = 03ec659febfb3148
shader registered for possible reloading: 03ec659febfb3148_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E09E0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2204, handle = 0000000141882EF0
FNV hash = 9e27c1437de586b2
shader registered for possible reloading: 9e27c1437de586b2_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0520
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000000141708BF0
FNV hash = 03ec659febfb3148
shader registered for possible reloading: 03ec659febfb3148_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0650
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000000141708D80
FNV hash = 03ec659febfb3148
shader registered for possible reloading: 03ec659febfb3148_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E16F0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2664, handle = 00000001418517D0
FNV hash = c385d51a7d69530f
shader registered for possible reloading: c385d51a7d69530f_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E03F0
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10312, handle = 00000001418149A0
FNV hash = e812704076cc3a3c
shader registered for possible reloading: e812704076cc3a3c_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0C40
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6992, handle = 000000014181CAC0
FNV hash = 557006f1200f5ba7
shader registered for possible reloading: 557006f1200f5ba7_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0780
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5376, handle = 0000000141841B50
FNV hash = 37ca133e7fa928d5
shader registered for possible reloading: 37ca133e7fa928d5_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0B10
HackerDeviceDirectMode::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 628, handle = 000000014170F690
FNV hash = 0d2045e1fd4abc8a
shader registered for possible reloading: 0d2045e1fd4abc8a_cs as bin -
returns result = 0, handle = 00000000252E0D70
Got resolution from last seen swap chain: 1600x1024

Specs of machine used in test

Windows 10
RTX 3070

Re: geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:03 am
by bo3bber
This might work, not sure if anyone has tried it. I know that Elite Dangerous works.

Code: Select all

*** NvAPI_Stereo_SetDriverMode to Direct, failed: NVAPI_STEREO_VERSION_MISMATCH
Your 3D is not setup correctly to use the nvidia_dx9 or nvidia_dx11 output modes. Easiest way to get that to match is using 3DFM or HelixVision to install 3D driver. Or use Losti's batch file.

Re: geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:31 am
by WZZ
i tried planet coaster,3d works with perfect framerate.But sky..shadow..some on highlight need to be fixed,maybe more
cant wait to play this game in helixvision

Re: geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:48 pm
by rebootjac
bo3bber wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:03 am This might work, not sure if anyone has tried it. I know that Elite Dangerous works.

Code: Select all

*** NvAPI_Stereo_SetDriverMode to Direct, failed: NVAPI_STEREO_VERSION_MISMATCH
Your 3D is not setup correctly to use the nvidia_dx9 or nvidia_dx11 output modes. Easiest way to get that to match is using 3DFM or HelixVision to install 3D driver. Or use Losti's batch file.
Thank you for the suggestions. I still couldn't get 3DFM to work for me but I am happy to report that this game works great for me with the SBS setting using Virtual Desktop on the Quest 2! It's so much better than Tridef or whatever I used before because I can see the whole menu in my view now! Now I just wish I had better single core performance on my rig. I'm now getting close to 60 FPS, I do believe it is locked to that refresh rate from my non-gaming monitor and can't seem to get past it. Switching vsync on improves the judder quite a bit.

Can you imagine how cool this game would be if we had an actual vr mod for it? Like it would be like the infamous tegidcam trick only permanent! :woot

Re: geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:08 pm
by rebootjac
WZZ wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:31 am i tried planet coaster,3d works with perfect framerate.But sky..shadow..some on highlight need to be fixed,maybe more
cant wait to play this game in helixvision
Hmm, I actually don't see a lot of those gfx bugs as you report but I had to play with the settings a lot to get something decent working for me. Attached is my Graphics.config.xml file. Make sure to backup your file before editing!

The following was made with an RTX 3070 in mind so you may have to adjust further for your case. You can edit this file here: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Frontier Developments\Planet Coaster\Config_Local

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<Terrain />
	<Display preset="Custom" version="1">
	<Settings preset="Custom" version="1">

Re: geo-11 Planet Coaster

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:40 pm
by Lundamyrstrollet
Iirr i get the best Results with the Jurassic World Profile back then... With Shadows off the rest was perfect... Or was the sky also wrong back then with the JW Profile, dunno atM.