Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

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Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by GFD »

Hey, hoping someone here could help me out with this. I haven't really used my NVIDIA 3D Vision setup (GTX 10 series) for a few years now (I probably last used it before NVIDIA dropped mainstream support for it themselves), but I want to play through some GameCube and Wii titles, and doing so with stereoscopy would be a great bonus (for the games it works well with, at least). Dolphin used to have DX11 3D Vision support built-in, but unsurprisingly that's been removed now. Stereoscopy support remains however, with SBS, top/bottom, anaglyph, HDMI 3D, and passive display modes available. It feels like there should be some way to get this to work with 3D Vision still — particularly as there's a fix available for Citra's stereoscopy — but I haven't been able to figure it out myself, and I'm not sure if I'm just missing something here. Using older Dolphin versions with support built-in isn't desirable as they're missing new features and accuracy fixes, and also I just tried to use Dolphin 5.0-10943 (the last verison with 3D Vision working) on the old 452.06 drivers and only got errors and crashes.

tl;dr How do I use current Dolphin's native stereoscopy with 3D Vision?
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by 3DNovice »

I personally have no idea, I do recall that Nvidia added a specific profile for Dolphin Emulator,
perhaps it has a magic setting? Dunno

Try assigning it via Nvidia Inspector

Profile "Dolphin Emulator"
ShowOn GeForce
ProfileType Application
Executable "dolphin.exe" FindFile="sys/wii/shared2/wc24/nwc24dl.bin"
Setting ID_0x106d5cff = 0x00000000
Setting ID_0x10f9dc81 = 0x00000011
Setting ID_0x701eb457 = 0x00000001 // StereoProfile
Setting ID_0x7050e011 = 0x3f800054 // StereoCutoffDepthNear
Setting ID_0x709a1ddf = 0x00000002 // StereoCutoff
Setting ID_0x70edb381 = 0x00000023 // StereoTextureEnable
Setting ID_0x80857a28 = 0x00000000
SettingString ID_0x70b5603f = "D3D" // API
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by GFD »

I hadn't considered messing with the NVIDIA Profile Inspector for this. Unfortunately I'm not having any success with that either, with any profiles or any of the graphics backends in Dolphin.
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by thebigdogma »

Use 5.0-15445. It works fine in 3DV with 452.06
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by GFD »

Alright, there's nothing unique to that specific version of Dolphin it seems, but the statement that it works fine with the old drivers got me to try using them again. When I attempted this before, Dolphin was consistently crashing with the Direct3D 11 backend as soon as I started playing anything, after displaying this warning:
CreateSwapChainBuffers failed in C:\buildbot\release-win-x64\build\Source\Core\VideoBackends\D3D\D3DSwapChain.cpp at line 31: Get swap chain buffer
This started happening consistently this time too, except for one time where it instead started rapidly rendering a mess of random stripes or solid blocks of colours from the scene (in a potentially seizure-inducing manner). Something was clearly still very obviously wrong, but messing around a bit more did lead me to find out that if i set the stereoscopic 3D mode to HDMI 3D, it would work, and use Dolphin's native stereoscopy. So, that's a success! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have no idea what causes the crashes when Dolphin's stereoscopy is disabled, but I can still play in 2D by just selecting a different graphics backend in Dolphin.

It would still be nice to have this working with something like an OpenGL or Vulkan wrapper on more recent drivers though, since installing different drivers before playing in Dolphin and then before playing other games is annoying, and since it'd allow more recent graphics cards to use Dolphin with 3D Vision as well. (I would like to upgrade my graphics card, someday, that seems farther in the future than I would like it to be.) Not to mention, the most performant graphics backend for me normally seems to be Vulkan (which is apparently usually the most performant backend on NVIDIA graphics hardware in Dolphin), whereas the Direct3D 11 backend is considered something of a fallback for compatibility reasons. I had previously tried just copying over the OpenGL wrapper configuration for Citra under the assumption that it'd Just Work™ with another fullscreen emulator using SBS just as well, but unfortunately it does not; it just zooms in on the bottom-left corner of the scene instead.
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by masterotaku »

I have plans that I'm executing at this moment, to surpass what Dolphin does natively.

In the meantime, I have to say that profile settings (which I say below) aren't enough:

StereoProfile = 1
StereoTextureEnable = 0x00000027
StereoCutoff = 0x00000001
StereoCutoffDepthNear = 0x3F800000

There's also a need to stereoize render targets with 3Dmigoto, for some games.
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Re: Dolphin emulator stereoscopy + 3D Vision?

Post by GFD »

That's exciting! If you want anyone to help with testing, hit me up!
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