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Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:26 am
by DugomFirst
I'm a VR noob, so sorry for the dumb questions.

I was just wondering if VR games are in real 3D, like Robinson, Alyx, Climb, SW Tales...

And also if real 3D on AAA games is possible on VR and so with what software.

I'm a 3DVision enthousiast and play most of my games in real 3D with 100% separation (depth),
and a lot of convergence.
FYI: Completely don't care about small 3D or fake 3D.

Thanks guys.

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:39 am
by grumbel
All real-time rendered VR games are full 3D. You can look around and walk around just like in the real world and everything is 3D. Cutscenes however are often 2D and shown on a virtual cinema screen (e.g. Hellblade), though cutscenes themselves are pretty rare in VR games, unless it's a port from a monitor game.

When it comes to filmed content however the situation is quite a bit different. A lot of VR video is only 360° 2D. Video with 360° 3D video does exist as well, but often suffers from low resolution and stitching artifacts when objects get to close to the camera. The best VR video format is 180° 3D, but this is for whatever reason rarely used outside of the NSFW world and due to YoutubeVR no longer having PC support it's pretty much impossible to watch as well.

Playing regular monitor games in VR in 3D is possible with VorpX, HelixVision and a few other 3D injector tools, however how well that works is heavily depend on the game, some work reasonably well, other not at all. It's not exactly a smooth experience, requires a lot o fiddling and you might still end up with subpar results, glitches and crashes. It can be fun to play around with at times, but most people stick to native VR games and don't consider it worth the effort and don't consider the results good enough.

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 7:06 pm
by floph
grumbel wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:39 am Playing regular monitor games in VR in 3D is possible with VorpX, HelixVision and a few other 3D injector tools, however how well that works is heavily depend on the game, some work reasonably well, other not at all. It's not exactly a smooth experience, requires a lot o fiddling and you might still end up with subpar results, glitches and crashes. It can be fun to play around with at times, but most people stick to native VR games and don't consider it worth the effort and don't consider the results good enough.
Check what this youtuber thinks about Doom Ethernal in VR:

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:23 pm
by DugomFirst
Thanks guys.

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:50 pm
by DugomFirst
floph wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 7:06 pm Check what this youtuber thinks about Doom Ethernal in VR:
People still, today, discover how good real 3D is !

20 years ago, shutter glasses were already used on CRT...

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:08 pm
by Grant S
Yea, was using shutter glasses on CRT here back in the Win 98 days.

As an answer to you question though about PC game compatibility generally no. Beside the great 3D VR offers, most modern VR games. Oculus(Meta), Steam VR and WMR have six degrees of freedom giving complete presence. With touch controllers that are like virtual hands in most cases. VR games controls are mapped as such.

You can play many standard games in VR with 3rd party software such as Vorpx and Helixvision on Steam, I can recommend having both. Still complete six degrees of freedom, however without the touch, virtual hands. A regular controller or mapping your touch controllers can get you by.

There are many old AAA games with full VR mods. If you have a Quest, some of the best older game mods I've ever played, I've played natively on the Quest. To name just the best IMO, Doom 3 and Return to castle wolfenstein are just stunning.
Dev mode and Sidequest are needed.

Many great PC game mods. Ralf @ Vorpx just gave away a full mod for Cyberpunk 2077 before Christmas. My favorite VR game mod is X-wing Alliance and tie fighter.

If you're into retro gaming, Dolphin emulator supports both VR and 3D natively, can play many gamecube and Wii games and all 3D games in stereoscopic 3D for 3D, TV's projectors and monitors.

I haven't played a game in flat 2D in over 20 years now. 3D and VR is so much more

Edit: Sorry I misunderstood. Yes all VR games are 3D but you may run into a chead one here and there that the 3D is just not right. It's been a while since I've seen one though and they were bargain games. Some cheaper titles on Steam beware

Re: Are all VR games 3D ?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:41 am
by albert90
Yes, all VR games are 3D. These games are created in a 3D environment to provide a more immersive and enjoyable experience.