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Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:51 pm
by Battery
oh i'm still rather new to stereoscopy [thats why im posting here]

The Question:
I've got a Gateway P-7800 fx laptop with a nvidia 9800m gts video card and i'm wondering which method [shutter or polarizing] will allow me to play Crysis among other games) in 3D?

additional info:
ive read that nvidias 5,6, and 7 series cards will do 3D in XP and that nvidia dropped support for it in the 8+ series, but i also read that there are new drivers out for vista (what im running right now [64bit])
ive got a dlp projector (can do high refresh rates at lower resolutions), and a 22" lcd display that can do higher refresh rates at lower res aswell.

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:12 pm
by fsp48
I'm looking into the possible use of shutters again with a 3D ready DLP Rear projection or maybe one of the new 120Hz LCD HDTV/monitors...still looking into it though because none make any mention of the 3D possibility yet. I think the IZ3d drivers can make it all work now...I'm just not sure about it on the LCD even with 120Hz. It might be a pay for it option which is fine for me if it will work getting a 40" or bigger 1080 HD to be in S3d for games and maybe video content, but games is the important thing for me.

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:25 pm
by cybereality
@Battery: In your situation your only option is running in anaglyph mode (red/blue glasses). The Vista nvidia drivers only support the Zalman Trimon monitor at the moment. Shutterglasses don't really work with modern hardware and never with laptops anyway.

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:12 pm
by Battery
@cybereality: anaglyph?! what is this the 1850's?! gah! damn you nvidia!
anyone know why nvidia dropped support for shutter glasses?

also ive got a p4 with a gf5200 hooked up to a 22" samsung 226bw which can do 85hz at its default resolution [according to my laptop - at lower resolutions it can do some pretty nice refresh rates]

im thinking of picking up a cheapo pair of x-force shutter glasses, but if ed's shutter glasses really work with lcd [from what ive read theyre crap with lcd.. like pretty much all shutter glasses] ill get a pair over x-force.

if the refresh rate of an lcd monitor is great enough [say 120hz] is it possible to use any shutter glasses with it? i ask because the difference between the 2 shutter glasses above is ~$70 [which can be used to get a new pair of shoes or a tricked out name tag].
i read some stuff [well.. skimmed] that said that lcd displays cant handle page flipping, and that the signal should be interlaced?

suppose i did that, 120hz interlaced @ whatever resolution - could i used the x-force shutter glasses?
oh i've also got a 42" lcd tv, which i still need to test out, at say 1024x768, but it should be able to support a decent refresh rate.

basically i'm asking what makes the ed glasses "lcd" compatible?

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:00 am
by Likay
The e-d drivers have two different modes for lcd screens. I think the drivers either blacks out an extra frame to reduce ghosting or simply delay the signal to the transmitter to make the lcd-delay less ghosting inducing.

The problems with lcd's are not the shifting time of the pixels. It's the delay from an input change to the actuall pixelchange! A crt or a dlp is able to take the signal directly and drive the unit. Therefore there's hardly any delay. An lcd needs to collect the signal, translate it to pixelbased info and finally show it on screen (easy explained). This procedure takes time and this is why no older lcd's can't do stereo with shutters. There's no rule saying that lcd's never can work with shutterglasses. It's just about redesign/optimization of the internal electronics and you should be on the go.

I've tried the e-d drivers as well as nvidia drivers with my lcd-projectors, an lg lcd, a samsung lcd as well as the iz3d monitor with shutters and none of them can handle shutters no matter what settings or mode i use. Since a laptop has an lcd.... you know. :/

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:53 pm
by Battery
thanks for the info, i just ordered a pair of x-force glasses, cost me a grand total of $30cad
i guess i'll just use em with my old crt monitor and my dlp projector.

i'd like to try to make a polarized setup, anyone know where i can get dirt cheap old lcd monitors [with a decent resolution like 1280x1024//720]?? i dont mind refurbished stuff [seeing as how i plan to rip it apart], as long as it's cheap..

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:57 pm
by Battery
sorry to double post [not really] but would these [=-> Wired 3D Glasses <-=] work with my [hopefully] soon to arrive x-force vga adapter thing? from what i've read pretty much all wired shutter glasses are interchangeable.

Re: Drivers and compatability: Shutter glasses vs Polorarized

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:14 pm
by Battery
lol i just realized i misspelled polarized xD

which nvidia drivers would be best for my fx 5200