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Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research Writes for MTBS!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:00 pm
by PressBot
MTBS is very honored to have a guest contributor today. Dr. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research[/b] has written an excellent analysis of the modern PC gaming market.


Dr. Peddie has been a pioneer in the computer graphics world since 1962, has made countless media appearances (e.g. CNN and TechTV), and is most importantly a proud gamer. Dr. Peddie is considered one of the most influential analysts of our time, and we are certain his experience will be well received at MTBS.

For those who don’t remember, Jon and MTBS had a bit of a public spat[/b], and we are already working on a joint commentary/debate on the topic of stereoscopic 3D gaming. Jon has a unique sense of humor about things, and he bears the mark of a skilled gamer!

Why is Jon writing for us today[/b]? Console gaming seems to be getting the lion’s share of the attention these days, and stereoscopic 3D gaming is very much here to stay and grow in the PC gaming space. The big question is how much leverage do PC gamers really have? Can PC gaming indeed compete with consoles, and at what level? Are the console’s bark bigger than their bite? Jon tells us for sure.

MTBS would like to add that Jon had the benefit of sampling NVIDIA’s S-3D gaming technology, and speaks of it positively in his article[/b] by mentioning high refresh rate monitors and televisions. He is also working on diversifying his try-out experience with other solutions like iZ3D monitors and other well received technologies.

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Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research Writes for MTBS!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:45 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

MTBS is very honored to have a guest contributor today. Dr. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research has written an excellent analysis of the modern PC gaming market. Dr. Peddie has been a pioneer in the computer graphics world since 1962, has made countless media appearances (e.g. CNN and TechTV), and is most importantly a proud gamer. Dr. Peddie is considered one of the most influential analysts of our time, and we are certain his experience will be well received at MTBS. For those who don’t remember, Jon and MTBS had a bit of a public spat, and we are already ...