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Valve's Portal Review, M3GA Updated

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:39 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Yes, we know this is an older game.  However, sometimes an oldie is a goodie!  That, and there are hints that Valve may be announcing Portal 2 at E3.

Valve's Portal in Stereoscopic 3D!

In addition to having Valve's Portal reviewed in stereoscopic 3D on DDD, iZ3D, and Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision solutions, we also discovered a new anomaly to add to MTBS' 3D Game Analyzer (M3GA) scoring system.  Whereas before the stereoscopic 3D portion of our game review scoring was subjective, it is now based on M3GA, and Portal is the first example of this.