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Despicable Me, Driver Updates, U-Decide Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:16 am
by PressBot

Anyone out there have any minions they can spare?  MTBS finally saw Despicable Me this weekend, and we are glad we did!  Just prior to the movie, we were talking about whether or not it was still important for MTBS to do 3D movie reviews, and we got our answer!


Stereoscopic 3D PC gamers can rejoice that DDD and Nvidia have both released updated stereoscopic 3D drivers.  DDD's TriDef 3D 4.2.5 adds some extra game profiles and fixes some graphics corruption and mouse cursor issues.  Nvidia's new stereo drivers have added support for Optoma 3D projectors, and Nvidia's new 3D Vision Surround (multimonitor support).
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Re: Despicable Me, Driver Updates, U-Decide Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:24 am
by WheatstoneHolmes
When I watch the Despicable Me trailer (downloaded from I always pause it when the tip of the ship points out of the screen!

I'd say there is about 3 inches of pop-out on my 19" Stereomirror rig and maybe a bit more on the 22" iZ3D monitor!

I also saw the trailer on the big screen in 3D and the roller coaster part is fantastic! (and I don't like roller coasters!)

I have to agree, if the movie is 3D then they should make it 3D, there will always be people that watch it in 2D later on when the DVD or Blu Ray comes out so please movie studios, don't be afraid to pop our eyes out!

Go big or go home!

Despicable Me, Driver Updates, U-Decide Thanks!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:37 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Despicable Me

Anyone out there have any minions they can spare?  MTBS finally saw Despicable Me this weekend, and we are glad we did!  Just prior to the movie, we were talking about whether or not it was still important for MTBS to do 3D movie reviews, and we got our answer!

DDD iZ3D Nvidia

Stereoscopic 3D PC gamers can rejoice that DDD and Nvidia have both released updated stereoscopic 3D drivers.  DDD's TriDef 3D 4.2.5 adds some extra game profiles and fixes some graphics corruption and mouse cursor issues.  Nvidia's new stereo drivers have added support for Optoma 3D projectors, and Nvidia's new 3D Vision Surround (multimonitor support).