3D is SAFE According to Leading Opthamologist

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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3D is SAFE According to Leading Opthamologist

Post by PressBot »

Wonderful news, everyone!  While our members have been confident about this for years, Gamasutra ran a story today with positive opinions shared by Dr. Mark Borchert, a respected L.A.-based ophthalmologist with the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


Similar to the old wives tale that your eyes and face could be stuck in funny positions if you cross your eyes too much, Dr. Borchert confirms:

"It's (3D) not likely to cause any permanent harm to vision...There are people who get uncomfortable with it, and get eye strain or headaches, or on much rarer occasions, a sense of imbalance or nausea, but there's no evidence it can cause permanent harm to your vision or use of both eyes together or anything like that."
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Re: 3D is SAFE According to Leading Opthamologist

Post by Likay »

It aint over yet... it's like the microwave nuked food debate...
Another example: Scientists always quarrels about what food to eat and not. Amazing what little they know about the human body... :roll:

I'm more than convinced myself that 3d doesn't harm people but it takes some time to get used to stereoscopy. Since i brought my passive stereorig to quite few birthdays parties etc i have some experience how people react to it.
I'm certain that small children (below 6,7 years) don't benefit from 3d. They simply take of the glasses and play with doubled image. This matches reports that the stereopsis sense isn't developed during young years. I don't think it's harmful playing with glasses anyway (maybe even stimulating but i leave that open...) but i made two pairs of monoglasses to get a proper, yet monoexperience for them. Some people have problem seeing the stereoscopic effect at all and usually this is about using too high stereosettings. Going down to almost zero and gradually increase gets all folks aboard. After two hours of gaming everybody wants higher depth than me... 8-)
This is practically a problem with 3d-movies. First the big screen disable usage of high settings and moderate depth also needs to be used to "get all aboard". Until we're actually able to change the depth in movies i guess we have to live with low depth in movies.
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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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3D is SAFE According to Leading Opthamologist

Post by Neil »

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Wonderful news, everyone!  While our members have been confident about this for years, Gamasutra ran a story today with positive opinions shared by Dr. Mark Borchert, a respected L.A.-based ophthalmologist with the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Mark Borchert

Similar to the old wives tale that your eyes and face could be stuck in funny positions if you cross your eyes too much, Dr. Borchert confirms:

“It's (3D) not likely to cause any permanent harm to vision…There are people who get uncomfortable with it, and get eye strain or headaches, or on much rarer occasions, a sense of imbalance or nausea, but there's no evidence it can cause permanent harm to your vision or use of both eyes together or anything like that.”

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