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Having problems across the board...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:08 pm
by harbingeriz3d
With my recent purchase of the IZ3D, I was extremely excited until I actually started playing the games that were recommended to work in 3D...
I've seen no pop out effect (but seem to have alot of depth however, this looks actually looks pretty nice) after tweaking with the settings and checking the tutorials that are available....
I've passed the 3d test on the IZ3D website, but still can't see any pop out that is being described.. Alot of times the best settings I can get with an FPS game like Call of Duty 4 for example, are just depth and no pop out no matter what the settings..

Can I get any tips / advice? Really don't want to be dissapointed :(

Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:15 pm
by distantreader
I'm potentially a buyer of this monitor (likely in couple months after the move) and greatly interested in this issue, no pop means half the effect of S3D is not there and that's bad news. I hope it's only a setting problem.

Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:14 am
by Neil
Hi Guys!

It's important to understand how 3D works to get that pop-out effect.

Read this guide if you haven't already: ... ews_id=44/" onclick=";return false;

Let me know if you have questions.


Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:31 am
by Freke1
If You monitor were a window most gameobjects would be on the other side and therefor not popout. In CoD4 if You align a soldier 1 meters away then a soldier 0.5 meter away will popout.

Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:20 pm
by falcon96
I´ve olso noticed the problem with th popouteffect in some gemes. Those I´ve tryed so far and got
this problem is COD4, HL2, and Far Cry 2
You can get good depth in the games and there is poput if you look at objects around you, but the problem is how the wapon is shown.
It looks like there is no distans betwin your wapen and the ground , and the wapon looks really big. there is no way to get it go "out of the screen" no matter wath setting I use.
In Fallout 3 and Gost Recon A.W. 2 I can get this effect, havent tried any more games atm.
I have never seen this with the old NV-drivers , When I played HL2 I got a great popouteffect of the wapen, but there where no hud displayed then.
Can it be that the wapon and the hud are pleced at the same depth in the gameengine and that´s why you can´t get it to popout without loosing the hud ?

Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:59 pm
by Tril
The weapon looking too big is a more or less common problem. It happens with some games. I think that what happens is that the gun is rendered separately from everything else and a different Z (depth) scale is used when drawing it. You get a weapon that looks 4 meters long and if you look at the ground, the weapon depth goes through the floor but it's still rendered on top of it. This causes contradicting depth cues and the brain can't understand something that's impossible in real life so you lose the depth effect.

Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:04 pm
by Neil
Try FarCry 2 - this gets the weapon correctly.

Tril is right - it's not the fault of the driver.


Re: Having problems across the board...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:57 pm
by harbingeriz3d
Alright, after playing with the settings a bit I've still managed to reproduce the same results but a more fine tuned depth (I love the pop in, its very nice, its like the monitor screen isn't there). My only question is how do you change the convergence settings @ 0.50% seperation? It kinda just stays locked there, but I want to change the pop out effects... I've also noticed that keeping a low seperation but while changing convergence to match objects in the distance still doesn't really do anything, it still has the same effects of a 2d LCD...