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Planet ZOO

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:14 am
by stfparis17
I want to take the planet zoo game.
Being sensitive to the animal cause and loving management games.
I just want to know if the game is playable in 3d?
Thanks in advance for your comments

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:28 am
by Vaeltaja
It just might be since Jurassic World Evolution is and I think they use the same engine. But be warned that the engine is really heavy on cpu especially with 3D Vision. And since 3D Vision has that 3 core bug (it only recognizes three cores with any cpu) it makes it even more demanding. I have Ryzen 2600x oc'd to 4.3GHz and RTX 2070 and in Jurassic World my cpu bottlenecks so much at 1080p that fps jumps between 20-50 depending on the situation with graphic settings as low. Especially driving in the park in 1st person view frames can drop to 20 when there are lot of guests and buildings in sight.

I'm also interested in Planet Zoo but I'm not buying it yet.

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:07 am
by stfparis17
Vaeltaja wrote:It just might be since Jurassic World Evolution is and I think they use the same engine. But be warned that the engine is really heavy on cpu especially with 3D Vision. And since 3D Vision has that 3 core bug (it only recognizes three cores with any cpu) it makes it even more demanding. I have Ryzen 2600x oc'd to 4.3GHz and RTX 2070 and in Jurassic World my cpu bottlenecks so much at 1080p that fps jumps between 20-50 depending on the situation with graphic settings as low. Especially driving in the park in 1st person view frames can drop to 20 when there are lot of guests and buildings in sight.

I'm also interested in Planet Zoo but I'm not buying it yet.

thank you for your reply
if I understand correctly .. Planet Zoo using the same engine as jurrasic world evolution this one must be playable in 3d vision.
what i understand is that the engine is greedy..but playable in 3d vision.
This is good news!
Thank you

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:36 am
by Vaeltaja
Yes, game uses the same Cobra engine, also used in Planet Coaster and Elite: Dangerous. I think Planet Coaster has issues in 3d but I have never tried it. Jurassic World Evolution works in 3d with win 10 out of the box. Of course that engine has had some improvements between the games so it might not work excatly the same with Planet Zoo. But if you end up buying the game, please report here how it works. If the 3d doesn't start right at the start there might be ways to turn it on.

If the game works, there might be some problems with shadows and reflections but at least in Jurassic World you can turn them off which also improves frame rate little bit.

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:25 am
by Lundamyrstrollet
Planet Zoo looks good in 3D vision, iirr with the Jurassic World Profile, Shadows, Reflections and Screen Space Reflects off... Very CPU dependet, even if not so heavy like in Jurassic World...

Only remaining thing are Shadows/Groundshadows (even with Shadows off there are Mountainshadows or some sort off dk) outside the Park, which can easily bypassed with a Top View where you only see the "Borders" of the actually Park,outlines when in building Modus and some Lighting at Nighttimes...No dealbreaker, played over 60 hrs so far, and its nice to scroll near to the Animals in 3D to look what they doing haha...
Win 10 1903 425

Edit: Works also with the original PZ Profile, as i see with a couple of Frames more

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 6:10 pm
by Vaeltaja
Lundamyrstrollet wrote:Planet Zoo looks good in 3D vision, iirr with the Jurassic World Profile, Shadows, Reflections and Screen Space Reflects off... Very CPU dependet, even if not so heavy like in Jurassic World...

Only remaining thing are Shadows/Groundshadows (even with Shadows off there are Mountainshadows or some sort off dk) outside the Park, which can easily bypassed with a Top View where you only see the "Borders" of the actually Park,outlines when in building Modus and some Lighting at Nighttimes...No dealbreaker, played over 60 hrs so far, and its nice to scroll near to the Animals in 3D to look what they doing haha...
Win 10 1903 425

Edit: Works also with the original PZ Profile, as i see with a couple of Frames more
This is great news and just as I suspected. Thank you for the information. I'll buy this game at some point and check it out. I might be able to atleast disable those broken effects.

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:11 am
by Zappologist
Hi guys,
Following your comments that 3D works with Planet Zoo I'm trying it out.
But I could not make it work in 3D with its own profile, only one eye image is shown, displaced to the right.
The only way I made it work was by assigning the exe to the Jurassic World Evolution profile, but there is a strange issue with the image becoming gradually very white and becoming unplayable.
Further tests shown two strange things:
1. The severe whitening issue disappeared when turning SLI off.
2. Connecting the PC to my old Asus active 3D screen allowed the game to be played in 3D with the Planet Zoo profile.

So there is definitely an issue with the setting/EDID of my main screen (4K TV OLED), and/or with the game profile, at least with SLI.
ideally I'd like to play with the original profile (or at least with the JWE profile but SLI).
Does anyone have any idea how to proceed to further troubleshoot and maybe solve this? Do I copy profile values one by one from JWE to Planet Zoo? Are there specific fields/flags which are more important than others? (for example, I knew about the mystery flag. It was empty in Planet Zoo profile, I switched it to 1 but it did not help to trigger 3D Vision).

Is it not very strange that with the same system (Win 10, same drivers etc) to have a different result just by changing the monitor? I've never seen this before.

Hope you have some ideas to assist. Thank you in advance.

Re: Planet ZOO

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 9:40 am
by Zappologist
Not many replies here, I imagine that not many people play this game, and even fewer have an OLET setup.
I've started playing more, and it's one of the most interesting and exciting games I've ever played. Like Jurassic World Evolution before it, the game is in a league of its own, no competition. But that's a subject for another rant.

I just wanted to give some updates on my quest to make the game work in 3D with its original profile, and also to work in SLI.
In short: No luck! :-(

Since I had no replies about how to approach profile changes I had to look it up myself on the net, and I found very interesting info discovered by DSS, Helifax and others, and kindly published by Bo3b at ... e_Settings.

I could not believe the depths that you guys have gone to, investigating, testing and reverse engineering all this info! This is incredible, fascinating to read and apply it myself.
However, in this specific case it did not help much.
Here is what I tried:

A. Make the original Planet Zoo profile work in 3D. (by default it displays one eye only).
Starting from the notion that adding the game exe to Jurassic World Evolution profile works fine, I've tried:
1 - Replacing the most important profile flags in the Planet Zoo profile to make them the same values like the JWE profile
2 - Replacing individual flags in each important category, based on the feedback from Bo3b's blog.
3 - Adding the game exe to the JWE profile.

Only option 3 works.
I've had partial success with option 2, but the bet I could do was to have the game start in 3D but have some double imaging/ghosting. I switched several values in the categories important for this issue like StereoUseMatrix, but I could not fix this.
So I'm assuming that some of these flags only work in specific combinations, and that some of the flags are hidden and cannot be simply "copied" from one profile to another as I tried at point 1.

In any case, it was a worthwhile experience. I've learned a lot. I was surprised to discover scenarios in which the HUD was impacted by the convergence button, which is very interesting. And other things I had no idea were governed by those profile settings. So much to learn.

B. Make the game play in SLI.
Even when I attach the exe to the JWE profile, SLI doen not work well. The game gets washed out with brightness as if someone turned the gamma to max. Sometimes, when changing any graphical setting, the washing out is progressive, sometimes accompanied by flickering in one of the eyes.
I've tried changing values in field "SLI compatibility bits (DX1x)" one by one. There are many of them, I only managed to test about half. Unfortunately the results are only of the following varieties:
1 - Game has great SLI performance but is unplayable due to brightening wash-out
2 - no wash-out but performance does not seem to improve either
3 - no wash-out but performance drastically decreases

if anyone has gone through the same journey of discovery like me here, please let me know.
Specifically I would appreciate to find out:
1. Whether there are some specific flags which must be used in combination to force a game profile to display 3D correctly
2. Whether the SLI issue I'm encountering is doomed. Maybe some game simply do not allow SLI (strangely Planet Zoo uses the same Cobra engine as JWE, where SLI was working great).
Is it woth continuing my SLI flags testing? And moreover, must I also change the values in the other field underneath "SLI compatibility bits (DX1x)", simply called "SLI compatibility bits".
or is this one irrelevant?

I'm annoyed to be so stubborn! I should play the game instead of all these tests, you cannot believe how fun the game is, a geek/nerd/anal retentive/OCD/Aspergers syndrome paradise.
(I swear in one of the missions in the campaign I spent two days on a paused screen upon mission start, slowly solving every animal/habitat management problem they throw at you, as a complex puzzle. Once I unpaused the game many HOURS later, a totally derelict Zoo park with a bankrupt economy and full of protesters due to low animal wellfare magically turned into a profit powerhouse, ecological treasure, totally recovered and on the road to greatness. i really don't remember having this type of deep gameplay satisfaction in all my gaming years, something I've overcome only with my wits and the experience accumulated in the game so far).

But I'm glad I managed to put it down for a while, as it allowed me to learn a lot about our beloved 3D technology.