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SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-forum

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:28 am
by P.C.Zen
From mid-November onwards, once he's cleared his workload, Neil is going to take a look at the Nvidia sub-section.

Potentially the 3 sub-forums currently in the Nvidia sub-section may very likely be merged into a single sub-forum.

I've posted the following to the MTBS Website Ideas forum ( ... 10#p165110) :

A question and a request:

...Question: Thinking of just the Nvidia sub-section, would you want the "S-3D Game Settings (NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision)" merged into a single sub-forum with the other technical topics or do you think it should remain seperate?

...Request: Assuming people do want a single sub-forum (in the Nvidia sub-section), please post suggestions for the title of that single sub-forum...

It would be a massive help if you could post your responses, either in this thread, or via this link: ... 10#p165110

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:29 am
by P.C.Zen
To get the ball rolling...

My suggestion, which was implemented (and which (because of feedback I've since received) I'm now trying to get deleted/merged with the existing sub-forum) is:

"Nvidia 3D Vision Fixes, Solutions and Troubleshooting"

Suggestions I recieved (in a different thread (from BlackShark)) for titles for two separate sub-forums, while we wait for the potential merge (covering a catch-all technical sub-forum, and the existing "S-3D Game Settings (NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision)" sub-form) :

"3D Vision : Drivers, hardware, software and community tools discussion"

"3D Vision : Games and community fixes"

If you could post your suggestions for how you think a single (Nvidia sub-section) sub-forum should be named it would be a massive help... ... 10#p165110

...thanks in advance :)

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:19 am
by Zappologist
My vote is for a single subforum, covering all stereovision topics.
For example, based on BlackShark's suggestion:
"3D Vision : Drivers, hardware, software, community tools etc"

Or more tongue-in-cheek, if there's appetite (3D Vision : All-in-one megaforum", ... All-you-can-eat 3D buffet, One-size-fits-all community center, Everything 3D Nexus, etc)

Really, the most important thing for me personally is that, if I have 5 lousy free minutes in my day and want to see what you guys are up to, to only have to open one web link.
But you might need to consider the preference of the other people who were posting here prior to our recent exodus from Nvidia's shitstorm forum. Maybe the simplest approach is to look at the two main forums which were there before the creation of "Nvidia 3D Vision Fixes, Solutions and Troubleshooting", see which one had more activity, and keep that one alive while deleting the other.

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:26 am
by P.C.Zen
Zappologist wrote:Maybe the simplest approach is to look at the two main forums which were there before the creation of "Nvidia 3D Vision Fixes, Solutions and Troubleshooting", see which one had more activity, and keep that one alive while deleting the other.
Thanks for responding. Re. "Nvidia 3D Vision Fixes, Solutions and Troubleshooting", it's my fault it was added; I've addressed that here: ... 11#p165091

I'm working on trying to get it rolled back but that's not proving to be very easy.

I've also passed feedback on to Neil explaining everyone just wants everything in one place.

If not before mid-november, the Nvidia Sub-section at least, should hopefully be revised at some point from mid-November onwards... the meantime I'm looking for suggestions for what to title a single sub-forum, should that be what we end up with.

If people can post suggestions, it might help to indicate how the forum as a whole can be stratified (if necessary) so please do post your suggestions...

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:35 am
by ToThePoint
@ P.C.Zen I don't believe that you have anything to apologise for, since there's literally only a handful of people actively taking part in these forums at the moment, so I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Those who actually care enough will contribute their opinion to the forum in a more prompt fashion. Just to be awkward, I do happen to agree with BlackShark's suggestion of having two additional sub-forums, and to remove the newly created sub-forum, assuming that Neil isn't in a position to actually rename it instead to an alternative 'Games Fix Discussion' thread.

I think you're probably figuring by now that it's best to not expect an instant response from this site's host given his own high level of activity elsewhere in the course of his work, and simply factor in a lag time of a fortnight or so at the very least. Neil kindly responded by saying hello to all of us newcomers here, a couple of weeks after I'd actually put that request in. I think from now on it's up to the community to organize ourselves sufficiently before making any further requests of Neil, and I'm sure that he'd be happy to help if he's in a position to do so, assuming that there's a confirmed majority in favour of doing so prior to any additional requests that are made of him.

If there were to be a separate Games Fix thread created for example, maybe requests could then be made over time for specific threads to be stickied that are somewhat more technical in nature for Shaderhackers specifically and the more technically literate to peruse as a source of reference. Just a suggestion.

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:13 pm
by P.C.Zen
ToThePoint wrote:@ P.C.Zen I don't believe that you have anything to apologise for, since there's literally only a handful of people actively taking part in these forums at the moment, so I certainly wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks for saying so, it's really good of you, but it seems there are at least a few people who are seriously unhappy about the new sub-forum, and I feel it's something I need to acknowledge: It's regrettable; I had no idea all of the technologies dealt with on the forum were so similar and so closely tied, and that the existing membership was as small as it seems to be. I feel like I screwed up and I want to be accountable, and I am trying to get stuff put right; it's just it's not easy to do, because the admin/moderators are so busy and I don't have the permissions/privileges to do it myself.
ToThePoint wrote:Just to be awkward...
Absolutely by all means be as awkward as you like ;) ...that's what these threads are for.

...but joking aside, really it's not being awkward: the more input and feedback we can get, the's absolutely what these threads are for and we need to hear from people.
ToThePoint wrote:I do happen to agree with BlackShark's suggestion of having two additional sub-forums, and to remove the newly created sub-forum, assuming that Neil isn't in a position to actually rename it instead to an alternative 'Games Fix Discussion' thread.
I thought it might be a good idea to have a separate sub-forum for game profiles; it seemed to make sense because it wasn't central to the technical side of things and could be a place to make lots of game-specific stickies. I was also concerned that the existing users might be unhappy with the current profiles forum being dumped into a catch-all sub-forum...

...but it seems (if the current feedback is an indication of the general feeling of the membership) that people just want it all merged into one single sub-forum, game profile posts included.

BlackShark actually wants that too, and posted those sub-forum title suggestions as the next best thing, if we can't get the existing sub-forums merged.

Personally I still think there's merit in having a separate sub-forum for game-setting stickies...? ...even so I'd go with the consensus, but: ultimately that's not my decision to make anyway...? ...I'm just gathering opinions/suggestions/wishes/wants; we just have to gather as much feedback as we can and see how things pan out...
ToThePoint wrote: I think from now on it's up to the community to organize ourselves sufficiently before making any further requests of Neil, and I'm sure that he'd be happy to help if he's in a position to do so, assuming that there's a confirmed majority in favour of doing so prior to any additional requests that are made of him.
Yes and yes: Neil has messaged me re. the Nvidia sub-section, saying it can absolutely be sorted out once his work-load has cleared (mid-November onwards)...

...I've messaged him back saying that between now and then, I'd try to get a consensus on how people want the new sub-forum titled. I've also passed on to him the feedback re. people wanting everything condensed into a single forum.
ToThePoint wrote:I think you're probably figuring by now that it's best to not expect an instant response from this site's host given his own high level of activity elsewhere in the course of his work...
Absolutely 100%, although I was hoping that cybereality might be able to affect some changes this week, but it seems he's as preoccupied as Neil. It's not for want of messaging cybereality that the the changes haven't been addressed. :/

Cybereality has messaged me saying he doesn't mind re-naming sub-forums, but that he's reluctant to merge sub-forums. I responded saying it should be okay to merge the new sub-forum into the existing drivers forum, because it's only a week or so old and it was added as per a request I made...but I'm yet to hear back from him. I have my fingers crossed (in hope) that he might be able to roll things back for us before mid-November...but all we can really do at this point is wait and see.



Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:52 pm
by ToThePoint
@ P.C.Zen Okay, fair enough regarding BlackShark's actual preference. Just to self correct, when I mentioned a potential 'games fix' or 'games related' thread, I actually meant having a separate sub-forum in that context and not a thread. Anyhow I also agree, in that if the majority prefers to have a single sub-forum for everything then the majority should naturally carry the day.

I'm sure that the community will get it all sorted out one way or another, it's just that the time frames involved in doing so may be a little longer than initially expected. ;)

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:43 pm
by P.C.Zen
ToThePoint wrote:@ P.C.Zen Okay, fair enough regarding BlackShark's actual preference. Just to self correct, when I mentioned a potential 'games fix' or 'games related' thread, I actually meant having a separate sub-forum in that context and not a thread. Anyhow I also agree, in that if the majority prefers to have a single sub-forum for everything then the majority should naturally carry the day.

I'm sure that the community will get it all sorted out one way or another, it's just that the time frames involved in doing so may be a little longer than initially expected. ;)
No worries, I know what you mean; I make that mistake too. But yeah, I thought a separate sub-forum for that would be a good idea, especially if each game could have its own sticky, but people seem to want it all in one place...

...hopefully people will keep posting. We've (and when I say we, I meant everyone who uses the forum)... we've got got until mid-November to figure this stuff out.

If no one else posts I guess we just have to conclude they're happy with what they're reading here?

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:04 am
by Porlonus
Concerning the general topics, taking into account all the comments till now, I am also now with just 1 subforum and I do like:

"Nvidia 3D Vision Fixes, Solutions and Troubleshooting
Games, Software, Hardware - Questions and Solutions - all goes here"

I still would like to have a another sub-forum simply for that important, easy to find stuff without the need of 50 Sticky posts (at best I'd like to have 1 Sticky in above forum pointing to the sticky, and may some additional info):

"Nvidia 3D Vision Guides
Beginner and advanced guides, previous stickys & Co"

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:11 pm
by ToThePoint
My suggestion would simply be, "Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision (MAIN SUBFORUM)"

Assuming that this particular subforum is renamed sometime during November to whatever title is preferred by the majority of the community, prior to that actually happening, I'm a little puzzled that people are creating new threads in the "3D Vision Driver Forums" subforum alongside this one. I think that the sooner we agree and all settle for using just one subforum as the main one, the less confusing it will be to eventually sort out and finalize. Personally, I don't mind which one it is, but if I do start any new threads I'll just create them in this specific subforum, at least for the time being.

Whichever specific subforum is eventually chosen, then hopefully people can put forward their own ideas in due course for stickied threads that can relate specifically to shaderhacking for instance. Whatever makes sense basically.

Re: SUGGESTIONS NEEDED Title for 1 catch-all 3D Vision sub-f

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:01 pm
by P.C.Zen
I was hoping to get more suggestions for a sub-forum title, although I guess it doesn't matter that much?

Also, not sure it matters too much where people post as hopefully the threads will be merged?

Not sure what's going on with cybereality but he's not picked up the PM I sent re merging the sub-forums... looks like we'll have to wait for Neil.