Anthem™ 3D fix

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Cross Eyed!
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Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by maurizioclaudio21 »

My daughter gave me the game for my birthday
put the 3d fix I see that i can't hunting the shaders because missing the string

; Shader hunting options.

; ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---

; 0: Release mode is with hunting disabled shader, optimized for speed.
; 1: Hunting mode enabled
; 2: Hunting mode "soft disabled" - can be turned on via the toggle_hunting key
hunting = 2

tried to add strings by copying them from Frostbite3.Universal.Fix but it doesn't go
some help thanks

Mia figlia mi ha regalato il gioco per il mio compleanno
messo il 3d fix ho visto che non si può cacciare gli shader manca la stringa
; Shader hunting options.
Ho copiato la stringa da Frostbite3.Universal.Fix ma non funziona
qualche aiuto grazie
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Cross Eyed!
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Re: Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by schwing »

In d3dx.ini, hunting = 1 shows the overlay and hunting = 2 requires that you press Numpad0 (the default) to show the overlay. Hit F10 if you want to refresh 3Dmigoto with the d3dx.ini changes you saved.
Win 10 v1909 / 1x Nvidia 980Ti GPU (v452.22, 1080p)
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Cross Eyed!
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Re: Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by maurizioclaudio21 »

schwing wrote:In d3dx.ini, hunting = 1 shows the overlay and hunting = 2 requires that you press Numpad0 (the default) to show the overlay. Hit F10 if you want to refresh 3Dmigoto with the d3dx.ini changes you saved.
Thanks but in d3dx.ini there is not the line to hunting shaders

; Anthem

; Included files

;include_recursive = Mods
exclude_recursive = DISABLED*
;include = ShaderFixes\upscale.ini
; include = ShaderFixes\mouse.ini
;include = ShaderFixes\3dvision2sbs.ini
include = ShaderFixes\Frostbite3_DHR.ini
include = ShaderFixes\DJRK_Regex.ini
include = ShaderFixes\Overrides.ini
; include = ShaderFixes\devmode.ini
include = ShaderFixes\rlsmode.ini

; Convergence Presets

; Bastion - In suit, third person view
unique_triggers_required = 2
convergence = 4.0

; Fort Tarsis - Out of suit, first person view
convergence = 2.0
transition = 2000
transition_type = linear
release_delay = 0
release_transition = 2500
release_transition_type = linear

; During conversations and cutscenes. Need to enable depth of field in options
unique_triggers_required = 1
convergence = 1.25
; z = 0
transition = 2500
transition_type = linear
; release_delay = 5000
release_transition = 20000
release_transition_type = linear


; Constant values and toggles

global persist $disable_lensflare = 0
global persist $disable_lensdrops = 0
global persist $disable_glitchybloom = 1
global persist $sniper_option = 0
global $ADS = 0
global $sniper_aim = 0
post x3 = $sniper_option
y3 = 0
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
z = 0.95
w = 0.0

; This is used by the 3DVision2SBS custom shader. To use, find the [Include]
; section above and uncomment the 'include = ShaderFixes\3dvision2sbs.ini'
; line. F11 will cycle between these modes while playing, and the current
; value will be automatically saved to the d3dx_user.ini on exit / F10:
; 0 = Regular 3D Vision
; 1 = Reversed 3D Vision
; 2 = Side by Side
; 3 = Reversed Side by Side
; 4 = Top and Bottom
; 5 = Reversed Top and Bottom
; 6 = Line interlacing
; 7 = Reversed Line interlacing
;$\ShaderFixes\3dvision2sbs.ini\mode = 0

; Key bindings
; Values that can be used for reassignment
; ... s.85).aspx
; Keys can also be from XBox controllers using:
; By default all attached controllers are used - to associate a binding with a
; specific controller add the controller number 1-4 to the prefix, like
; XB2_LEFT_TRIGGER, though this may be more useful for hunting than playing.

;Manual Key for First Person convergence
Key = NO_ALT F1
z = 0.95
convergence = 2.0
transition = 50
transition_type = linear

;Manual Key for Third Person convergence
Key = NO_ALT F2
z = 0.95
convergence = 4.0
transition = 50
transition_type = linear

; Removes depth from HUD, putting everything at screen depth
Key = no_modifiers caps
Type = cycle
x = 1, 0.0

; Disables HUD shaders
Key = no_modifiers F3
Type = cycle
x = 2, 0

; Cycles through various HUD depth
Key = no_modifiers F4
Type = cycle
z = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95

; Lens flare effects setting (also affects loot drop icons). 0 = All enabled, 1 = Disables lens flares only, leaves loot drop icons, 2 = Disables all
Key = no_modifiers F5
type = cycle
$disable_lensflare = 0, 1, 2

; Lens flare disable override. If you have all lens flare/loot drop effects enabled, holding this key will temporarily reenable. Works like a "show loot on ground" key in certain A-RPG's
Key = ALT
type = hold
$disable_lensflare = 0

; Disables water drops on screen, but also disables some clouds/volumetric mist and Ranger's Spark Beam
Key = no_modifiers F6
type = cycle
$disable_lensdrops = 0, 1

; Disables some flickering lights that clip through the environment in launch bay area. Have not had any bad effects with it disabled
; [KeyDisableGlitchyBloom]
; Key = no_modifiers F4
; type = cycle
; $disable_glitchybloom = 0, 1

; Changes between disabling certain shaders for the sniper scope to make the screen less intrusive. 0 = none disabled, 1 = outer parts disabled, but scope lines still intact, 2 = nearly everything disabled except for the dot in the middle
Key = no_modifiers F7
type = cycle
$sniper_option = 0, 1, 2
x3 = 0, 1, 2

; Used for knowing when aiming down sights
type = hold
$ADS = 1
; y3 = 1

; Driver Profile Settings

StereoProfile = 1
StereoFlagsDX10 = 0x00004008
Comments = "Anthem 3D fix v1.0 by DJ-RK - Utilizing Frostbyte3 Universal Fix by DHR+DSS+Helifax"
StereoMemoEnabled = 1
Compat = "1"
StereoConvergence = 0.3

after the last update of the game I would like to fix some shaders but I can't find the way to hunting
if I use Frostbite3.Universal.Fix I can hunting no I know which lines to copy
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Cross Eyed!
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Re: Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by schwing »

Copy the below section and paste it into your d3dx.ini and hit F10 or restart the game. Then click the appropriate key to see if the hunting is happening:

Code: Select all

; Shader hunting options.
; Default setup is to use keyboard similar to Helix presets

; 0: Release mode is with shader hunting disabled, optimized for speed.
; 1: Hunting mode enabled
; 2: Hunting mode "soft disabled" - can be turned on via the toggle_hunting key

; Highlight mode of currently selected shader / rendertarget.
; "skip" = skip shader. don't render anything using the currently selected shader.
; "original" = fall back to original shader if the currently selected shader was patched.
; "pink" = make the output hot pink to make it standout.
; "mono" = disable stereo for the selected shader / rendertarget.
; "zero" = shader output is all zero. NOTE: this has a big performance impact.

; Cycle through available marking modes. VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD0
; means hold the dot on the number pad while pressing numpad 0:
next_marking_mode = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD0

; What action(s) to take when marking a selected shader/buffer
; "hlsl" = decompile shader to HLSL and copy to ShaderFixes
; "asm" = disassemble shader and copy to ShaderFixes (if hlsl is disabled or failed)
; "clipboard" = copy shader/buffer hash to clipboard
; "mono_snapshot" = take mono screenshot (previously called mark_snapshot=1)
; "stereo_snapshot" = take stereo screenshot (previously called mark_snapshot=2)
; "snapshot_if_pink" = limit mono/stereo_snapshot to when marking_mode=pink
marking_actions = clipboard hlsl asm stereo_snapshot snapshot_if_pink

; Key bindings: For A-Z and 0-9 on the number row, just use that single
; character. For everything else (including mouse buttons), use the virtual key
; name (with or without the VK_ prefix) or hex code from this article:
; XBox controllers are supported using the same bindings as the [Key] sections
; (see above). If the game already uses the first controller you might try
; using the second controller for hunting with e.g. XB2_LEFT_SHOULDER

; rotate through all VISIBLE pixel shaders at the current scene.
previous_pixelshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD1
next_pixelshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD2
mark_pixelshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD3

; rotate through all VISIBLE vertex shaders at the current scene.
previous_vertexshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD4
next_vertexshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD5
mark_vertexshader = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD6

; rotate through all USED index buffers at the current scene.
previous_indexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD7
next_indexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD8
mark_indexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD9

; rotate through all USED vertex buffers at the current scene.
previous_vertexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_DIVIDE
next_vertexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_MULTIPLY
mark_vertexbuffer = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_SUBTRACT

; rotate through all USED render targets at the current scene.
;previous_rendertarget = no_modifiers VK_INSERT
;next_rendertarget = no_modifiers VK_HOME
;mark_rendertarget = no_modifiers VK_PAGEUP

; rotate through all USED compute shaders at the current scene.
previous_computeshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD1
next_computeshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD2
mark_computeshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD3

; rotate through all VISIBLE geometry shaders at the current scene.
previous_geometryshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD4
next_geometryshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD5
mark_geometryshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD6

; rotate through all VISIBLE domain shaders at the current scene.
previous_domainshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD7
next_domainshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD8
mark_domainshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD9

; rotate through all VISIBLE hull shaders at the current scene.
previous_hullshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_DIVIDE
next_hullshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_MULTIPLY
mark_hullshader = no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_SUBTRACT

; Re-enable shaders once done with hunting:

; Screenshot as pns
take_screenshot = no_modifiers VK_SNAPSHOT

; reload all fixes from ShaderFixes folder
reload_fixes = no_modifiers VK_F10

; Key to turn hunting itself on/off.  This will also show/hide overlay.
; Hunting must be set to either 1 or 2 to enable this toggle.
toggle_hunting = no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD0

; Key to reload the settings from the d3dx.ini without restarting. This can
; be the same key as reload_fixes for convenience, or a different key may be
; used to avoid resetting the ini parameters every time the shaders are
; reloaded. Note that not all settings can be reloaded, so if something doesn't
; work as expected you may still have to restart the game:
reload_config = no_modifiers VK_F10

; Deletes the d3dx_user.ini file and reloads settings to get a "clean slate"
wipe_user_config = ctrl alt no_shift VK_F10

; Hold this key to temporarily disable the fix - useful to quickly check what
; an effect looked like in the original game.
show_original = no_modifiers VK_F9

; Shows the CPU utilisation and performance impact of every active command list
monitor_performance = ctrl no_shift no_alt F9

; Freeze the current performance monitor display and log to the d3d11_log.txt
freeze_performance_monitor = no_ctrl shift no_alt F9

; Sets how often the performance monitor updates
monitor_performance_interval = 2.0

; Auto-repeat key rate in events per second.

; Enabling this makes the overlay show the hashes of the currently selected
; shaders and index buffer during hunting. We don't actually recommend this,
; because writing down the hash from the screen is a bad habbit that tends to
; be very error prone - the recommended workflow is to dump the shaders to disk
; and check the most recently modified file in ShaderFixes, but advanced users
; can enable this if they want it:
verbose_overlay = 0

; tunable parameter to use in modified shaders as variable (StereoParams.Load(int3(1,0,0)).xyzw)
; enabling tuning results in a small performance hit because the parameter texture

; Dumps out a flight log of DirectX state changes and the contents of each
; render target after every immediate draw call for the next frame. Takes up a
; large amount of space, so disabled by default.
;analyse_frame = no_modifiers VK_F8

; analyse_options specifies options for the frame analysis feature. Options can
; be combined by separating them with a space.
; Dumping selection (also refer to the "dump" command described below):
;        dump_rt: Dumps render targets and UAVs
;     dump_depth: Dumps depth/stencil targets
;       dump_tex: Dumps shader resources (textures)
;        dump_cb: Dumps constant buffers
;        dump_vb: Dumps vertex buffers
;        dump_ib: Dumps index buffers
; Texture2D format selection:
;        jpg/jps: Dumps out 2D/stereo resources as .jps files. These are the easiest
;                 to work with and don't take up as much space as DDS files, but
;                 they are not dumped for every resource and are missing some data.
;            dds: Dumps out 2D/stereo resources as .dds files. WARNING: This option
;                 may require hundreds of gigabytes and a long time! Only use it if
;                 you absolutely need more information than you can get otherwise.
;        jps_dds: Dumps out .jps when possible, .dds otherwise (default).
;           desc: Dumps out DirectX resource descriptions to .dsc files.
; Buffer format selection:
;            buf: Dumps out buffers as binary .buf files
;            txt: Decodes buffers as text, and includes some extra metadata not
;                 found in the .buf files. May not correctly decode all buffers.
;                 Default if dump_cb/vb/ib was specified.
;           desc: Dumps out DirectX resource descriptions to .dsc files.
; Misc options:
;           hold: Continue analysing subsequent frames while the key is held
;       clear_rt: Clears each render target the first time they are used in the
;                 frame. Makes it easier to see what is being drawn if the game
;                 doesn't clear them, but might cause some effects not to render.
;   filename_reg: Normally the draw number is the first part of the filename so
;                 that the files will be sorted in the order they were used in
;                 the game. Sometimes it is more desirable to examine how a
;                 specific output changed through the frame and this option will
;                 place the register number first in the filename to allow that.
;           mono: Dump out mono textures instead of stereo. To dump both, specify
;                 'mono stereo'. If neither are specified, defaults to stereo.
;  dump_on_unmap: Dumps buffers/textures whenever the game maps them to the CPU
;                 with the Map() / Unmap() calls. Typically used to update
;                 constant buffers.
; dump_on_update: Dumps buffers/textures whenever the game updates them with
;                 the UpdateSubresource() call. Alternative method used to
;                 update constant buffers.
;    share_dupes: Use a folder that is shared with subsequent frame analysis
;                 dumps for de-duplicating dumped resources. Makes future frame
;                 analysis dumps faster and use less disk space if there are a
;                 lot of identical textures, but less trivial to delete
;                 individual dump folders to reclaim disk space (i.e. all or
;                 nothing). Individual frame analysis folders are still
;                 de-duplicated regardless of this setting.
;        symlink: Try to use symbolic links when de-duplicating files in a
;                 frame analysis dump. Requires developer mode to be enabled in
;                 Windows 10, and will fall back to hard links or shortcuts
;                 when not possible. Useful to see the relationship between
;                 deduplicated files, especially when working with cygwin, but
;                 some Windows applications may behave worse when using these.
; Experimental Deferred Context (multi-threaded rendering) Frame Analyis Support:
;   deferred_ctx_immediate: Dumps resources from deferred contexts using the
;                 immediate context. Not suitable for dump_rt or other
;                 resources altered during the frame (by the GPU or CPU). May
;                 be ok for static unchanging resources, such as collecting HUD
;                 textures for filtering. Not thread safe - potential to crash.
;                 Recommended (not enforced) to use in conjunction with 'mono'.
;    deferred_ctx_accurate: Delays dumping resources from deferred contexts
;                 until after the GPU has updated them. Copies of *all*
;                 resources being dumped are held in memory, so it may run out
;                 - try to restrict using this option to specific resources
;                 where it is needed - preferably via the "dump" command rather
;                 than the global analyse_options. Works with 'stereo'.
; analyse_options can also be specified in [ShaderOverride*] sections (or other
; command lists) to set up triggers to change the options mid-way through a
; frame analysis, either for a single draw call (default), or permanently (by
; adding the 'persist' keyword).
; Alternatively, "dump" can be specified in a [ShaderOverride*] section (or
; any other command list) to dump specific resources with per-resource options
; (e.g. "dump = dump_tex dds share_dupes mono ps-t0"), dump resources at a
; specific point in time (e.g. "pre dump = o0") or dump a custom resource that
; frame analysis cannot otherwise see (e.g. "dump = ResourceDepthBuffer"). Use
; additional "dump" commands to dump multiple resources.
;analyse_options = dump_rt jps clear_rt
Win 10 v1909 / 1x Nvidia 980Ti GPU (v452.22, 1080p)
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Cross Eyed!
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Re: Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by maurizioclaudio21 »

Thanks again
I had already tried to copy the line for hunting
but it doesn't work, only if I use Frostbite3.Universal.Fix complete does it work there is something else to copy but I don't know what

Grazie di nuovo
avevo già provato a copiare
ma non funziona, solo se uso Frostbite3.Universal.Fix completo funziona c'è qualche altra cosa da copiare ma non so cosa

Discovered, the rlsmode.ini file must be modified
for those who needed it with the new update

Scoperto bisogna modificare il file rlsmode.ini ;-)

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Sharp Eyed Eagle!
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Re: Anthem™ 3D fix

Post by DJ-RK »

I make use of 3Dmigoto's inclusive files to keep my d3dx.ini lean. If you want to enable hunting, change the lines:

; include = ShaderFixes\devmode.ini
include = ShaderFixes\rlsmode.ini

to be

include = ShaderFixes\devmode.ini
;include = ShaderFixes\rlsmode.ini

You can then edit some of the hunting based options in the devmode.ini file.
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