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Tobii Eyetracker Mouse emulation

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:26 pm
by Centuri0n
Spend some hours to figure out, how to move mouse pointer with just a gaze (for Tobii Eyetracker)

You'll need only FreePIE and this script:

Code: Select all

from ctypes import *
user32 = windll.user32

def update():
	global enabled
	looking = tobiiEyeX.userPresence == "Present" and enabled
	if (looking and enabled):
		posx = tobiiEyeX.gazePointInPixelsX
		posy = tobiiEyeX.gazePointInPixelsY
if starting:
	enabled = True
	tobiiEyeX.update += update
toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.F4)

if toggle:
	enabled = not enabled
F4 toggles mouse following gaze mode.

Correct yourself for your needs.

Re: Tobii Eyetracker Mouse emulation

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:18 am
by kazujin.tenno
Does the freepie tobii plugin able to detect single eye squinting/wink? or blinking given X miliseconds of dwelling(time taken to gaze on a spot) time? I saw it is implemented in software called IRIS but is not very programmable. I want to use the blink and squint/wink to do some macro.

If you imagine like squinting my left eye for 1 secs to trigger a zoom scope. something like that.
I always thought of Tobii as programmable utility rather than just for gaming purposes to improved its overall usefulness and im currently trying to start a youtube channel to inspire disabled gamers to use some tech stuff to play some games.