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Trying to using a second mouse as scrolling tool

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:42 am
by Coler
Hi all!
I'm quite new to FreePIE, I used GlovePIE in the past but just for very simple purposes.. I'm glad to see that there are similar project updated out there!
I'm here asking for help, first of all if this would be possible, I'm using a software at work for drawing with a Pen Tablet
The page in this program is not scrolling with the classic mouse wheel, the easiest way is to press Ctrl+left mouse button + move mouse.
I would like to use a mouse, or a trackball, wich just when moved, first disables any Tablet input (because it interferes with scrolling mouse cursor) , old GlovePIE "Mouse1.Swallow" command could be useful (if exists in FreePIE), then presses Ctrl+Left mouse button+ keep moving, and when not touching it anymore just return as default...

I had a few tries but obviuously without success, especially because that swallow completely disables any other inputs..
for understanding i tried something like:

Keyboard.LeftControl + Mouse2.LeftButton + Mouse.DirectInput + Mouse1.SwallowMovement = Mouse2.DirectInput

Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you very much

PS: no sorry, this method (Ctrl+mouse button + move) is a no go, since the page is scrolling only until the cursor is in the work area....
SO, probably the best way would be. if mouse moves up = press repeately wheel up, if down = wheel down, right = shift+down, left=shift+up

Re: Trying to using a second mouse as scrolling tool

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 7:42 pm
by Coler
Thanks anyway