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EDIT: MTBS Reviewed Bolt 3D, Thread Moved Here

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:16 pm
by martinlandau
OH MY GAWD! It felt like this guy!

Re: Bolt 3D

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:01 am
by sharky
problem with 3d dvds is the quality. they are too compressed. to have high quality they sometimes use anaglyph but thats even worse. i hope that the stereoscopic standard will be side by side, since it is the best quality you can get.bluerays should be big enough to have a hi quality movie on it. maybe not HD but at least in DVD quality and that is more then enough for now.


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:40 am
by Neil
Pam Swartz has done another movie review for us.

Check out MTBS' review of Bolt, and post your thoughts on the movie here.


Re: EDIT: MTBS Reviewed Bolt 3D, Thread Moved Here

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:53 pm
by pixel67
Nice review Pam! We went to see Bolt over the weekend and came away with the very same impressions. The storyline was good, the acting was good, and the 3D effect really just added to the initial impression instead of being a distraction. It is definitely on my "see it again" list. If only I could watch it on my 3D DLP when it comes out on DVD.

One quick note on the quality of the 3D. It really felt like Disney went out of their way to ensure that the 3D was unobtrusive. This is the first movie I have seen where there wasn't a single ghosted frame! At least I didn't notice it and I was looking for it! Very well done and proves that polarization can be the perfect solution when done right.

Re: EDIT: MTBS Reviewed Bolt 3D, Thread Moved Here

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:41 pm
by metalqueen
Thanks Pixel!

What's the next movie that you are looking forward to? I want to see Monsters vs. Aliens!