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Making program 4 disabled gamers Any1 want to help with code

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:19 pm
by Canescj
Hey guys, so I’m trying to create a program that can take head movements and facial expressions captured from a depth camera like Intel RealSense D415 and translate them into mouse movements/button presses and key presses so that disabled gamers like myself can play using only their face. I’ve seen similar programs that use the Visage SDK to do this (KinesicMouse, and to a lesser degree SmyleMouse) and the creators of those programs are charging outrageous prices ($175+) for something they made basically for free so I thought that I would try and make my own. I’m very new to coding though and don’t know where to start. Any tips on where to start would be greatly appreciated. Or if anybody wants to collaborate on it and share potential profits (thinking of selling for like $5-10) let me know. Thanks in advance!

Re: Making program 4 disabled gamers Any1 want to help with

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:49 pm
by Jabberwock
If you do not have much experience with coding, maybe it would be worth checking out Kinect 2. I know it has just been discontinued (which does not give much hope for long-term development, but might drive the prices down), but it has already quite robust, as I understand, facial recognition features built in the SDK. Check out this link, for example:

Re: Making program 4 disabled gamers Any1 want to help with

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:40 pm
by Canescj
Yeah I had one before that I tried to use, but either the camera was defective or the SDK was unstable or both but I couldn't get it to work right. There were a lot of dependencies with it as well and it is all no longer supported. The Visage SDK just gets pointed to and passed through. I understand most of the code/scripting in it but actually manipulating the code is just a bit beyond my skills.

Re: Making program 4 disabled gamers Any1 want to help with

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:59 pm
by LordAshes
You might want to check out my Kinect Gesture Recognition Plugin thread ( ... 39&t=22673) as a possible starting point.

The current plugin does not have any support for expressions but it does have a mechanism for recognizing custom gestures which can range from simple gesture to complicated gestures.

As you can see in the linked thread the source code is available GitHub. While it may not be completely applicable for other types of sensors the gesture recognition portion of the code (i.e. the evaluation of the relationship steps) should be re-usable for other sensors.

Re: Making program 4 disabled gamers Any1 want to help with

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:42 am
by konstantin_lozev