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Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:34 am
by artox
Ok, I've tried the demo and now the full game.
The game is simply great, but anyone who's a fan of Ms Croft or likes action-adventures will see that.
Now, for the more important issue at hand - the stereo 3d.
Over 28% separation the post-processing effects, which sadly include lightning - both over the surface and under water and also shadows go out of the picture, meaning that you get to swim in air, while when you are in open water is constrained by nothing and looks simply hideous. You have to get to a 4-digit number separation to get any depth from the usual perspective of a 3rd person game. Of course that doesn't cut it for cutscenes, but that's why you have different presets.
If you decide to lower your separation and take out only a few post-processing effects, the shadows get really nasty, appearing and dissapering, doubled and normal, they become more of a nuisance, so it's better if you turn them off. Another problem are misplaced bushes, trees and stuff. You may not notice that, because it appears on level 2 for the first time ( only level on the demo, btw) but the bushes and trees in the distance are not at the correct depth.
Hopefully the iz3d dev. team is going to look into this. I'll send feedback tickets when I've got the time, if anyone else wants to do it - thanks.

Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:56 pm
by Likay
This goes for the actual game too. Things that looks plain wrong is:
Fire: Is only rendered in one eye.
Lights and lightbeames are rendered at total wrong depth. Even with very high sepearation there's sometimes no way to get rid of them. Besides with Shiva's puzzle seing the beams is crucial to know where to place statues.
Water looks fine in one eye but is rendered with stripes in the other. Diving underwater is fine (deep under i mean).
Skybox at wrong depth. No big problem but noticeable.
I once posted (with blackshark) at the iz3d forums about the demo issues. Looking through the whole game now.
I'm a big tombraiderfan of all times and underworld is (inspite of the demo) breathtakingly! I play with 500 seperation and a convergencevalue close to 0 to get rid of most annoying effects though.
There is a thread on the iz3d forums (use blacksharks one since his is more detailed). Post your finds there and i'll fill in later too.
Actually we could make a new thread for the actual game. Typical that a new driver is recently released. lol

Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:09 pm
by ddorpm
I experience the same problem areas that you guys have pointed out as well. All-in-all, still very nice S-3D. Hoping that some of those post-processing effects can be corrected. Have fun raiding ... :lol:


Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:32 am
by Likay
Oh. :oops:
It looks like the wrong 3d-effects is bothering me but they really don't mess up the gaming experience. Most of the times there's no visible errors which makes it truly unbelievable in 3D. The best i've played of all the tombraidergames. Now off for a second run! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:02 pm
by RAGEdemon
Diverging from the S3D aspect, I think when time of release is taken into consideration, TR2 was the best.

I dunno... feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment... I liked the way the old Lara handled and looked.

As bad as the movies were, surely angelina jolie was meant to look like lara croft and not the other way round as is the case with the new games... a case of art immitating reality immitating art.

Also feel im being sexually manipulated... old TR was a lot more subtle... lara had character... new lara can be confused with just about any matcho heroin of todays big screen... or perhaps that is what the developers intended.

Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:03 am
by Likay
I believe you're not entirely wrong regarding the character. However i have the feeling it's a natural way to go since graphics quality also increases.
Nonethless underworld is a great game though. A bit short and compared to tr2 definitely easier. Still like it and play it around when i'm having time for some 3d-kick. :D

Re: Tomb Raider : Underworld

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:38 pm
by RAGEdemon
Hi Likay!

Yeah, have always really ejoyed tomb raider games too... and prince of persia. Having difficult tiem deciding which to play first.

Incidentally, my name literally translates to "Prince" in persian :P

I wonder if "Lara" equates to "hot girl with big chest" in some ancient dialect :D