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What do you guys think is the general direction for VR?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:57 am
by weirdbun
I'm quite new to the VR industry but this question has crossed my mind on numerous occasions.
I'm definitely rooting for Mobile VR at the moment.
I believe VR will reach a stage where it can be adopted by the masses if its fully VR compatible.
Questions is, what is it that's really needed to ensure the best Mobile VR experience?

Right now we have the GearVR which lacks positional tracking.
Will an inside out tracking device solve this problem? Thoughts?

Re: What do you guys think is the general direction for VR?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:40 am
by Dom
You will need to use ultra sonic sensors for positional tracking. Kind of like how motion security systems work to detect motion. The sensors bounce around corners from the floor and walls and roof. Then to enhance the signal you could wear some reflector markers or some kind of jumpsuit that better detects and is more comfortable than jeans and t-shirt.

I'm betting on a broomstick flying sorcery medieval type game with next gen gfx to really pull you into Vr. If mobile can run games like crysis 2007 pc, then I would say mobile is good for the types of games that are worthwhile. Cartoon looking games are more for kids and teenagers. I'm looking for realism in gfx not this phoney looking cartoon stuff.