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Architecture and Virtual Spaces Boston VR Meetup on 4/29

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:33 pm
by rustysawdust
Boston VR Meetup #17 - Architecture and Virtual Spaces
April 29th ... 220907154/

An evening of VR demonstrations and two talks: IrisVR will show us how they help architects visualize their designs. Parcosm will demonstrate software that automatically scans architecture to assist robot navigation of interior spaces.

IrisVR, currently located in NYC, is a startup committed to making VR accessible to design and building professionals. Their first product is a standalone desktop app that allows a simple drag and drop from native 3D file formats into a navigable VR environment. This product eliminates the barriers to making good VR content, and it allows 3D artists, architects, and designers to quickly prototype their ideas in VR and show their clients. Bring your Sketchup Models on a flash drive and Iris VR will turn them into VR on the spot!

Paracosm is a venture-backed startup based in Gainesville,FL and the Cambridge Innovation Center that develops 3D-mapping software. We process video from depth cameras (Google Tango, Intel RealSense, MS Kinect) to reconstruct metrically accurate 3D-models of indoor spaces. Our ambitions extend beyond VR, as we are also using our 3D-models to enable novel robotic and AR applications as well.

Amir Rubin, Chief Parakeet (CEO), will be presenting demos of Paracosm's 3D-mapping software. Come check it out!