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Stompz - Wearable, Wireless VR Locomotion

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:28 pm
by MattStompz
Hi all,

I've been working on these wearable IMU sensors for VR locomotion for a while and thought I'd (finally) share them in these forums.
I love seeing DIY omni-directional treadmills/slidemills and there seem to be some amazing ones in here. These trackers (Stompz) were originally the trackers for our ODT, but we removed the supports and made it wearable for easy accessibility.


You can learn more through our website

or through our Kickstarter page

I'm pretty new to MTBS (even though several friends have mentioned I should join a while ago) but I'd like to start being more active. It seems like everyone here is pretty honest with their feedback so I'd love to hear your honest thoughts.

Matt Stompz