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The last thing we need is Facebook tracking our phone calls

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:32 am
by metalqueen
Quick, hide. Zuckerberg is coming.

By James Peckham

Facebook is getting a bit too cosy with our smartphones. It already has a good portion of our social networking time and our messaging, and it's making a play for payments too. 

Now inventors of the liking stuff want to take over your phone calls, with an app imaginatively titled Phone. Facebook isn't even certain if it'll be releasing the app, but that obviously hasn't stopped the internet wringing its hands about the possibilities.

Read the whole story here.

Read full article...

Re: The last thing we need is Facebook tracking our phone ca

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:30 am
by martinlandau
Pam, I worry you do not have the right perspective. ... y-minerva/ Darpa and facebook want to do GOOD things on planet earth. For your child. You see, I was at a recent VR event in san francisco, it was karl krantz and matt sonics SVVR at the autodesk REAL 2015 event. I met a very very high level executive there, who did very big deals with facebook and palmer and oculus. I told him about this Darpa and facebook stuff, and he said why is that an issue? I said because maybe my friends and representatives in CONGRESS, dont think it is COOL to keep secrets from people, and do things to people without them knowing. He said son, you just dont have the RIGHT PERSPECTIVE, I said huh?? He said look, the world is not always a happy place, its got lots of sad people in it, unhappy, people, suicidal people (reference recent german airplane that was crashed) and he said Palmer and Zuckerberg and Darpa are your freinds really. I said how? They do things behind my back, and dont tell me, that manipulates me. He said son, they just want to make you HAPPY, the research and experiments and future FACEBOOK metaverses coming, are to make you HAPPY, why do you not want to be HAPPY! Now here is a video where facebook and others are using the power of ad revenue, and censoring, to control media. And I think you should consider what this very high level executive said, that who are YOU and I and anyone, to say to companies that want to make us all HAPPY, STOP, stop what you are doing, stop doing mind control experiments behind our back, stop trying to make metaverse futures behind our back that will manipulate us, that we dont know about, because you just want to make us HAPPY, and being HAPPY is a good thing right? Now I watched steven spielberg movie once, THX 1138, and I bring him up, cause he just said he was gonna make READY PLAYER ONE, and in this movie thx 1138, the AI's and robots, and fellow citizens, they just wanted everyone to be HAPPY, but robert duvalls character, he does not want to be part of that anymore, and he escapes that society. Why didnt he want to be where everyone just wants to be happy?

Re: The last thing we need is Facebook tracking our phone ca

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:31 am
by Likay
Love it when other people defines your own happiness. :D

Re: The last thing we need is Facebook tracking our phone ca

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:49 am
by cybereality
THX 1138 was directed by George Lucas.

Re: The last thing we need is Facebook tracking our phone ca

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:57 am
by martinlandau
cybereality wrote:THX 1138 was directed by George Lucas.
Someone is paying attention! Good job. Andres, we have talked a long time, I became a member of this forum in march of 2008, you a month later in april 2008. You banned me at oculus forums for whatever your reasons were. You said something about "not getting in trouble" relating to group 69. I thought that was very funny. You made me laugh very hard. It was painful because I have a broken rib from coughing myself almost to death with an infection. It was like you were saying you had power over me, or authority over me, to "control" wether I got into trouble or not. Lawyers, police, judges, the "political class" I think have way more "authority" than you to decide wether wiliam wallace gets in trouble or not. Just who do you think you are to make that statement to me Andres?

I think that was rather egotistical of you myself. I am used to people in life getting a little power and it going to thier head though. You see, my uncle is campaign manager to congressman Joe Wilson, and he is part of the "political class" of people in this country. I have seen from the inside politicians come and go. Little "tyrants" and "freedom fighters" come and go, in congress, state government, local government, national, etc. You know what makes the "political class" special Andres? They are here to do the WILL of the people, sometimes they get paid off to do the WILL of companies, and fascist type corruption. Sometimes they enact a law, just to counterenact something else countering that very law later. Slavery used to be legal, then it was illegal. The "political class" are special though in a lot of ways, they actually can KILL YOU, legally, by law. They can enact death penalties to kill you if you violate certain laws, and committ certain crimes. They can FINANCIALLY kill you through arms of the government like the IRS, or the SEC (numerous inside traders have been emptied of thier billions when the political class and its agents decided to do something - think bernie madoff recently, but there are millions of examples - maybe you should watch american GREED on cnbc?)

And though Obama and his political friends may be in power today, soon, Joe Wilson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, the republicans may be in power tomorrow, or some tea party the day after that, the future is unknowable. Putin may launch nukes and we are all dead in ww3 nuclear fallout, ... b-shelters Seems they have more fallout shetlers to survive that than we do.

I bring up all this contect Andres, because I want to consider you my friend, and a good person, no matter the laws, the politics, the greed, the corruption, the cronyist lobbying, wether the world ends tomorrow or not.

A lot of people are going to be able to claim "ignorance" to what facebook has done, thier mind control expirements, their tracking of user data even when users did not want that, and over in europe now even if you opt out, there are people complaining in threads at reddit that makes facebook an awful company. Jaron Lanier in his talk at stanford on "who owns the future" said zuckerberg and facebook were bad news, calling them out by name, that they were not like other organizations, and he even named the NSA and other 3 letter agencies as maybe not being as bad as zuckerberg and facebook. I am sure you know who jaron lanier is and why many people respect him and his opinion.

So if political winds shift, things may be uprooted soon with your employer, but even if they aren't, can you defend the mind control experiments your employer does? ... y-minerva/ Or the EVIL tracking your employer does that many humans consider only an evil SATAN would do? I want to be your friend, but if you KNOWINGLY support and stay with an employer that many consider SATAN, it makes me not want to be your friend, because what kind of person, with what kind of ethics, KNOWINGLY stays with such an employer? Other people can CLAIM ignorance, that they didn't know about zuckerberg, or facebook, or these things like mind control, but you can't claim that Anders.

Anders, its your soul, and your future, and your conscience. Its not mine. Easter was just yesterday, there was a guy named jesus that said all people are faulty, sinners, and fail the grace of god. They do things for MONEY (and the bible says the love of money is the root of all evil) they do things for power, status, fame, sometimes those things are throwing up under an employer they KNOW to be EVIL, and do bad, and hurt humans and freedom and goodness, are you one of those people Anders? Why do you stay under facebook knowing the EVIL it does, according to so many? Will you respond to this or just ignore the points? Is that the way you want to go through life, ignoring points that other people bring to your door? Palmer will not engage my questions on facebook, the linked mind control article, the economic model that 2veritas says facebook does that steals from people, he will not engage the questions drax brings up on agency and identity on facebook metaverse models, I thought Palmer was debate champion? (Funny, so was I for my state) why does the young lad feel he can't win a debate with me on these topics? Do you wish to defend your employers actions Anders? Frankly Anders, as time goes on, and you stay under such an employer, other people like me begin to lose respect for you.

Palmer personally promised geekmaster a dk2, he lied to him, do you think that is cool to lie to Geekmaster Anders? Can you defend your friend and employer Palmer Luckey why he lied to Geekmaster? Geekmaster suffers from aspergers, he does not have 750 million like palmer, he does not have a stable paying job like you do. What are people here to think of yours and palmers ethics in that regard Anders? My bible says you will be judged by how you treat the least of us in humanity, well dog, you fail, and a reckoning is coming, I hope you consider my words carefully. Its your soul, your future, and your conscience that is on the line. Happy belated easter Anders. My respect for you dies by the day you stay working under facebook. Niel was good to you and Palmer, he gave you both a lot of help, time, power here at MTBS3D. He deserved better than what happened to him gdc14, you know in your heart thats the truth. Sometimes Anders, you have to sacrifice your own personal money and position to do what is right, to not be part of things that are evil to Niel, Evil to Geekmaster, evil to billions of humans across the planet. You can't claim ignorance, therefore you are complicit in the evil :(