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Any progress on the next release after 1.09 2?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:25 am
by Okta
Just wondering if there is any news as im hoping to get improved stability in the next realease as i cant start many games at all with the driver installed but where it does work it works very well in the modes ive tested, anaglyph, mirror , interlaced and shutter.

Interesting to note that when games go out of sync in shutter they soon go back in a again by themselves and i though they would stay out or does it just come back with possible reversed stereo?

Ouch! Just found that my trial perios for shutters is over after only one session since i just got my shutters :(

Re: Any progress on the next release after 1.09 2?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:18 am
by chrisjarram
Okta wrote:Just wondering if there is any news as im hoping to get improved stability in the next realease as i cant start many games at all with the driver installed but where it does work it works very well in the modes ive tested, anaglyph, mirror , interlaced and shutter.

Interesting to note that when games go out of sync in shutter they soon go back in a again by themselves and i though they would stay out or does it just come back with possible reversed stereo?

Ouch! Just found that my trial perios for shutters is over after only one session since i just got my shutters :(
Read the iz3d forums.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:29 am
by Okta
I have had a look and cant really see any information regarding the next release.

Beta 4 ready for download

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:20 pm
by VadersApp

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:56 am
by Okta
Crysis= still crazy colored blobs and system crash. Oblivion still wont start in any mode other than anaglyph or iz3d.


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:21 am
by b4thman
Oblivion is working without problems here in using stereo mirror output. I have notice that it I enter in the game profile and change any shortcut, I canĀ“t enter to play and I must reinstall the driver ("not such output" error). But if you install normally and select the output mode (also you can change the default profile shorcuts) you have no problem with games.

I have noticed a better position of the HUD in some games, respecting to 1.09 b2. The big problems of this driver (I think) still is present: SHADOWS. It is needed to disable shadows (total o parciallity) in most games: Oblivion, Fear, GOW, Condemned, Grid, Bioshock, etc, etc. I suppose it is a general problem for all people, but I have not read about. I have a Nvidia 8800 ultra and amd dual core, using the last nvidia whql driver. If there is anything to solve this shadow problem would be great to know.