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Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:20 pm
by Mokibi
Hey guys, a fan of VR here....

I was just curious to know how you guys felt on the subject of.....
the more "advanced" guys out there in the world....

to be more specific, I feel kinda blah right now about VR and my knowledge of it. I'm by no ways any good at anything....
I suppose if you were to give me a title, it would be producer of my own dreams and fantasies (A VR theme park...)
anyways... I was feeling kinda down earlier today, still am... I look at Palmer and The guys from google, and I compare myself
to them and.... well I just feel shitty. I don't have any amazing knowledge of technology, no coding experience, nothing really...
just something in the back of my mind telling me to keep going.... only problem is, I feel sad because....
well, I'm not them you know? I dont mean to be a buzz kill or whatever but.... I just don't know how I feel...

Half of me wonders if we all go through this, the other half is genuinely scared. I'm not much good at anything else....
I wasn't born around technology.... I just... feel useless really. I mean you can say I've spent my years researching this
and everything required but... at the end of the day I wouldn't be able to put hardware together, or code my own app or.....
-sigh-...... is this normal? to feel scared and .... useless? I wonder if the greats felt this way too?

Anyone know why Palmer chose VR? I remember reading an article back...... how he wanted to see something specific,
and then dove deep into it... I did the same thing too around 4 years back. I remembered VR and wanted to see what I could do with it.... I'm just scared my efforts were in vain.... what do you guys think? is this normal? am I crazy? Did I take a risk in diving into VR?
Is it too soon? I don't mean to make anyone think twice about what they're doing but.... I just need some consoling... look away if you dont want to feel sad or whatever!

I wasn't home schooled, I'm not amazing at coding, I don't have a bunch of money,.... just a drive..... even then, am I applying it correctly? Usually I feel better within minutes but.... this has been bugging me since this morning.... stupid article on how the Rift is still too beefy to be applied properly (needing 90frames to dodge motion blur...) I don't know what to do >__<

Please, only positive helpful comments.........

Re: -Sigh-......

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:34 pm
by Dom
Hi, let me start off by saying that you and like probably 6 billion other people on the earth are "end users". Meaning that we have to rely on companies to deliver us easy to use stuff/products.

You need to look back into your youth and childhood to see what kind of things you made an impact on and the people who you talk to and see. Even people who are online over the internet I suppose. Do you remember drawing and learning in elementary school, growing up. These things can bring you some happiness into meaningful emotions.

The companies like Apple, Microsoft and all start-ups is that they had mostly partnership with best buds/friends and then sank in to ask for money from High Class, Rich Families or even probably illegal money pours.

So just to say if your heart is set on having a big company for somekinda tech that's glorious like stuff from startrek only that's out in todays world, is that you have to try and obey the law and business rules. Mostly you need like university then you have to register a company with the government and then the ideas you have in your head, you have to patent them, then you need A lot of money to do the simplest things with your company. And also everyone wants a piece of the pie you would create, lawyers, doctors, government, labours, everyone who knew about it. The sound of this makes me very tired and I to think I could someday travel in space or at least have a flying car or time ship.

Also giving out your ideas to other companies is a great way to help get things out while helping out the companies and fields you are most interested in. Its best to do things forsure of your thinking than to just idle your time with nonclamature.

Re: -Sigh-......

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:22 pm
by cybereality
I can understand the feeling, and I bet a lot of people think like that.

The thing is, not everyone is going to be the next Bill Gates, and you probably won't get rich trying to write another operating system.

In fact, not everyone is probably even *supposed* to be a rock-star programmer. Everyone is different.

I'd say just find something you like doing and roll with it. Take some classes, buy some books, spend time with your hobbies and interests.

Surely there is something you like. Maybe it's VR, maybe it's something else. Doesn't really matter. You can probably find some way to apply yourself to the field.

I guess the important thing is to follow your heart and do something you enjoy doing. Life is too short to waste on stuff you don't like.

Re: -Sigh-......

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:13 am
by Mokibi
Youre right cyber....

I guess I'm just concerned I'm not taking the best approach to VR.... Maybe I've been wasting my time.....
Alot of what I've been doing is.... research, and trying to understand the system, and how to create my own....
and what I have to bring to the table. I feel bad because I wasn't born a computer genius you know?
But I suppose thats stupid to say lol... maybe I shouldn't compare myself to palmer or page or to other people....

I asked a friend what he thought I was doing on the project, and he told me I sounded a lot like a producer....
I know a little of everything, but not a lot on one thing..... I just..... hope I took the best path....
I guess I'm scared what I did was meaningless? lets hope not......

Why is it that some people are successful and others not? what was it about the greats that made them just that?
I look at the founders of google and they tried to make everyones lives easier...... is that one of their secrets?
or jobs and same thing with him and woz, they made something they thought everyone would love.....
then you gotta keep in mind how useful your product would be.....

ah... anyways no time to feel scared.....