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What mattered on Sunday at CES 2015

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:22 pm
by metalqueen

This year's show hasn't even started yet, but we're already getting news of what's to come. Here's what happened on Sunday at CES 2015

By Jennifer Guevin
LAS VEGAS -- Presenters are still unpacking crates and putting the finishing touches on their booths here at CES, but a lot of news is already beginning to trickle in.

At this point, the 2015 International CES show floor is very much a work in progress. But quite a few companies made some early announcements today, and we got a peek at dozens of new products at CES Unveiled, an advance showcase for gadgets of all kinds. Here's a quick rundown of the most significant news from the show so far. Check back each day for a look at what's happening at the biggest tech show on Earth.

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