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Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:13 am
by TeraBit
A fair bit of excitement was generated when the announcement (Wed Jun 11, 2008) of the August 2007 launch was made by TDVision CEO Manuel R. Gutierrez Novelo.

There is no arguing that they have a strong product, the TDVisor is one of the better designs of HMD that I have come across.

But as the months have passed by, all has all gone eerily quiet from TDVision. Since the (personally delivered) message by TDVision CEO & founder, there has been precious little real information made available.

If I had to make a guess, I would say that the worsening economic climate has made TDVision think twice about investing in the Launch. If this is the case, I can certainly understand that. In a time when banks are going bust I wouldn't blame any company for playing it safe.

However, being sucessful depends on more that having a good product, or even on a good economic climate. Ultimately the customers are the ones who will buy the product or not. Letting potential customers know what is going on, can only be good thing. Even if it will take another 6 - 12 Months before the TDVisor was to be ready for prime time, it would likely be many of the same people who would be considering it as a possible purchase.

With that in mind, it would be appropriate to let us know what to expect. The folks around this community are much more patient and supportive than those I have seen in most other communities, and I have to say I respect and admire that.

That being said, the months have slipped by and it would certainly be an appropriate mark of respect to the community to update us on what is going on, even if it is bad news...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:01 am
by Okta
You should email them directly and see if you can get a response.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:06 am
by TeraBit
You should email them directly and see if you can get a response.
I have considered it, but I was hoping the community would get an update a whole. I'd hate to get a personal reply, pass it on to the community by posting the latest here, then have it fall through. For example, we had an update on the state of play by another member of the community saying 'delayed by a couple of weeks', that was back near the start of August. I was quite hopeful, but then it all went quiet again.

It's helpful when we all are on the same page really. That being said, I will likely email if there is no response in a reasonable time frame.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:38 am
by chilledsanity
With that in mind, it would be appropriate to let us know what to expect.
Maybe they're following the Nvidia model.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:48 pm
by TeraBit
Hmmm, this is not looking good. Looks like I will be trying the email route. I'll post back if I find out anything.

Failing that, I'll probably be needing to look elsewhere for a decent HMD (Which is a real shame, since I like what I've seen of the TDVisor.)
(but that's a post for another forum) :(

Surprised that things have gone this quiet, as reading back the announcement of the August Launch (quoting the TDVision CEO)
"We will keep the channel of communication open to the public, and we'll keep you posted. We want to propel the adoption of 3D, what we have always promote as the next logical step. Now is the time to accelerate and we won't let all our customers and enthusiasts down, we'll provide you with the best immersive 3D HD experience ever at the best price, it's our mission."

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:26 pm
by TeraBit
Ok, I've heard back from Manuel R. Gutierrez Novelo regarding the TDVision silence. (I am sure he wouldn't mind me passing the information on)

It appears the financial downturn has indeed been causing them problems. They literally have products ready to go into mass production, but not quite enough resources to set it in motion. :(

Currently things are being re-organised and re-prioritised.

Once everything is sorted out, we will be informed. I wish them every success. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:38 pm
by stee1hed
Thanks for the news Terabit. Even though bad, it's still nice to know.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:49 am
by koshien
I' ve been following your thread to know what was going on... thanks for the info! :wink:
Hopefully they'll have a big success by the end of the year with 3D blu-rays ( and they' ll have no financial issues anymore.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:20 am
by Okta
IMHO i think they should dump the svga visor in favour of the HD model because i think the svga is outdated and out featured long before its ready to hit the market.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:12 pm
by Segya
They should start handing out these HD prototypes first... I want to read a review.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:43 pm
by yuriythebest
Segya wrote:They should start handing out these HD prototypes first... I want to read a review.
if they are innovative enough to give me one you will get a chance to watch it on gamerus cleverus :)

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:14 pm
by Segya
I have to admit that the recent drop of value of the euro did shake my decision to buy.
from 1€=1,65$ to 1,35$ Over the period of 2 month is quite bad....
It'll take a more favorable turn in the future though, I hope.