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Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:40 am
by b4thman
What happend really with shadows? I have not read about, but I have problems with most games using the last iz3d driver just in shadows. I have tested Oblivion, Crysis Wars, Grid, Mass Effect,... and in all of them I must disable totally the shadows. Is it normal? Is something that anybody is working to solve? All people have this problem?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:42 am
by Neil
With the exception of Oblivion, all these games required shadows to be turned off. The same holds true for the NVIDIA drivers. Oblivion can have dynamic shadows, but turn the "self shadows" off.


Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:28 pm
by b4thman
It´s true in Oblivion, but still all character shadows (npcs and horse) are doubled. The only way to prevent this error is with all shadows off (exterior and interior), but I lose a lot of inmersion. If I must compare with Nvidia drivers, using forceware stereo drivers in Windows Vista let me use all shadows ON (also self shadows) and perfectly placed (Oblivion is one of the perfect nvidia stereo games with the Windows Vista driver, with all features ON). Also Mass Effect is drawn with shadows without problems. Grid is not supported by the Nvidia Stereo driver, and I have not installed Crysis in Vista to see what happend.

Today I´ve installed Bioshock to test with iZ3d driver, and this game has exactly the same problems, shadows must to be disabled to play properly, like the other games I said. I have not tested more games, but I think they are enought to make me have a conclusion about this.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:04 pm
by Neil
I didn't pick up on this.

Can you check if this is unique to 1.09B2? Did 1.08 get it correctly?


Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:51 pm
by b4thman
I installed 1.09b2 (1.08.0023) two weeks ago, and previously I only had the 1st 1.09 beta installed for a pair of days (my 1st experience with iz3d drivers). I did not make any test with the 1st beta because I did not know about ctrl+F8 and though planar was not supported well (my ouptput prefered mode and the reason because I´ve installed this driver).

I´ve created this thread just to be sure if all people have this shadow problem, and to find a solution (if there is any one). You wrote that all these games requiered shadows to be turned off, so it is one of the answer I was looking for. Tomorrow I will reinstall previous 1st beta driver to see what happend, and I will test also with anaglyph output to see if anything changes.

Another thing about stereo mirror (horizontal) output (of course I understand we are testing to solve problems because it is a beta) is that there is one horizontal anoying separation line that sometimes is more noticeable and breaks the screen a little in two halfs. And another thing is that always gamma correction option into any game is only aplied to the 1st screen.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:16 am
by yuriythebest
b4thman wrote: Another thing about stereo mirror (horizontal) output (of course I understand we are testing to solve problems because it is a beta) is that there is one horizontal anoying separation line that sometimes is more noticeable and breaks the screen a little in two halfs.
turn off vsync

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:11 am
by artox
Yes, shadows are a problem in bioshock and grid and that's a fact for 1,8 and 1,9 betas.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:21 am
by KindDragon
yuriythebest wrote:
b4thman wrote: Another thing about stereo mirror (horizontal) output (of course I understand we are testing to solve problems because it is a beta) is that there is one horizontal anoying separation line that sometimes is more noticeable and breaks the screen a little in two halfs.
turn off vsync
Turn ON vsync

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:35 am
by b4thman
I have beta 4 installed and now I am using vsync on, and the horizontal line problem has gone. But shadows are still the big problem... a lot of good games must be played without shadows (totally or partially disabled), and I see no progress in any game in this point... so I think that it must be impossible or too much difficult to correct it.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:28 am
by b4thman
b4thman wrote:I have beta 4 installed and now I am using vsync on, and the horizontal line problem has gone.
Too much quickly I have say it. Today I have installed PES 2009 and it was drawing a white border in the two screens (stereo output mode). Then I select only one single monitor (not dual view) in Nvidia drivers, and the white border disapear, so I deduced that it was an iZ3d issue with dual output modes. Then I return Nvidia to dual view and go to iZ3d driver and change Profiles/Default_profile/Ingame/Window_mode from "auto" to "full screen", and the white border has gone (I suppose it was a window border), but now the horizontal line problem has returned.

I have noticed also that playing PES 2009 in "auto" the sync is divided to both screens and the result is a half speed gameplay (slow motion). Selecting "full screen" in the iZ3D driver gives me a normal speed gameplay. This is a game that needs vsync ON to be played at 60hz, and I have not tried but I suppose most games will work better using "full screen" option, but with the horizontal line problem I suppose always present.

I suppose a solution would be to select "full screen" only with games that do not work properly with "auto" to prevent the horizontal line. But editting profiles with actual beta4 gives a "no such output" error and I must reinstall the driver (has happend with Oblivion profile many times only changing a shortcut so I suppose it happen with all profiles). Changing default profile gives no error.