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Convergence Adjustment in BRASSA menu breaks permanently.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:15 am
by Contrabardus
EDIT: Figured it out. It was my Xbox 360 controller. Don't know what the deal is with it, but it screwed up my ability to adjust convergence. Weirdly the menu worked for a short time before having the controller plugged in screwed up adjusting the convergence value and I didn't touch it so it wasn't like one of the sticks was offset or anything. It was actually sitting on a dresser next to my computer and not on my desk. I don't use it for FPS games at all, but leave it plugged in normally for convenience when I do want to use it to play Batman, Rayman, or something similar. Unplugged the stupid thing, restarted the game, and it worked immediately. I've no idea why but apparently the BRASSA menu does not like it when there's an Xbox 360 controller plugged in. Go figure.

At any rate, it seems to be an issue with any game and screws with Vireio Perception directly, so be aware that having a gamepad plugged in might make some of the menus a little screwy.

I've managed to repeat this in several games unfortunately. I'm using the latest build 2.0.6 and it's managed to break several different games.

Adjusting the Convergence breaks and the left and right arrow keys eventually stop working. I was trying to get Borderlands 2 tweaked because it starts with convergence completely screwed up. I was adjusting and tweaking it while backing in and out of the menu trying to get the separation correct. I'd make some adjustment, back out of the menu to look at the game without the hud stuff cluttering the view, and go back to adjust it some more.

After a little while, the right arrow started counting down instead of up and the value dropped to the lowest setting, once it reached the lowest default it stopped working completely and permanently. I tried restarting the game, my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling Perception and it remains broken.

I can scroll the instructions up and down at the top of the page, but the left and right keys no longer adjust the convergence, it simply remains locked at the lowest setting. The other menus all seem to be working fine and adjusting other settings does not fix the problem, nor does restoring the defaults. It does not matter which shortcut, exe, or launcher I use to start the games or Vireio.

Near as I can figure it breaks some file in whatever game it does this in, because uninstalling and reinstalling Vireio does not fix the issue. It's also repeatable in multiple games. Either that, or there's some files I'm missing in another folder when I uninstalled and reinstalled Vireio that are screwing it up.

I managed to duplicate the bug in Skyrim, Mirror's Edge, and Portal, all of which worked correctly and could be adjusted, but are now locked and stuck with screwed up convergence because of this. I want to be clear that each individual game worked for a short time before the right arrow suddenly became reversed before the convergence adjustment setting bottomed out and simply locked up permanently. As it's an issue with several games, and all of them worked for a bit even after the problem cropped up in other games, I can only suspect that the problem lies with the injector and not my hardware or the games. Everything runs fine in 2D or with Tridef on a 3D monitor, it's just with Vireio and my HMD that the problem occurs.

Skyrim is modded, but none of the others games are.

I'm running Windows 7 64. My specs: 3770k @ 4.2, Radeon HD 7970 Ghz Ed x2 [the problem remains whether Xfire is on or not], 16 GB Ram, and my temps and FPS are all good. I'm not having troubles running anything else it's just Vireio that's giving me troubles. The games are unplayable in VR in their current state due to how badly messed up the convergence is.

Any ideas on what's causing this or how to fix it? Kind of at a bit of a loss here.

Re: Convergence Adjustment in BRASSA menu breaks permanently

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:33 am
by DrBeef
Glad to hear you resolved the issue