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Latest perception and DK2

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:17 pm
by vorob
Hello, i was using this app on dk1 and all was fine, but now i'm on dk2 and i don't understand how to use it :)

First of all i can setup duplicate view cause it sets some weird square resolution, and if i'm in extended mode, my oculus is in second screen and my perceprion games are in first.

Honestly, first dk was much more user friendly...

Re: Latest perception and DK2

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:50 pm
by Scorpion
Hi Vorob,

First, make sure the software you use is meant for the DK2. I believe the latest beta builds are DK2 compatibel, but the latest stable release is not. In order to get your stuff to work on the second screen (your DK2) but stuff popping up on the main screen (your monitor), you'll sometimes just have to make your DK2 the primary and perhaps even only screen. I had to chance the DK2's screen orientation to horizontal and mirrored to make some of the demos work, since it was set to vertical. Press <Windows-key> + P and select 'only second screen'.

It's a bit of a pain sometimes, but that may work. Good luck.

Re: Latest perception and DK2

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:22 pm
by cybereality
One trick you can do is set the game to full screen borderless windowed mode in 1080P (not all games support this). Then when it opens on your monitor press Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow to get it to go to the Rift when in Extended mode.

Re: Latest perception and DK2

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:33 pm
by vorob
thx, will try.

So for now Verio doesnt work in "direct hmd access"?