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BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:21 am
by beublo

I've been searching the forums and the web about my problem with no luck so far.

When I'm in-game and press Ctrl-Q to bring up the BRASSA menu, all I see is a pair of red lines and no text. I just run a game without the OR, on my main monitor, to see what's happening, if it was a problem with positional tracking or something, and I noticed it's actually the red rectangle surrounding the menu items which is actually spread horizontally around the whole screen, like it's not projected onto each eye's viewport.

Anyone has any clue about this ? This driver looks very promising, but I really need to be able to tweak settings to enjoy it :(

I have an NVIDIA GTX670 and Oculus Rift DK2.

Re: BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:10 pm
by beublo
... And Windows 7 64bit, I forgot to add.

The menu actually displays fine in Mirror's edge and Borderlands 2 (with profile). It fails to display in Brothers (no profile) and Batman Arkham City (with profile). I'm clueless as to why it fails with some games...

Re: BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:07 pm
by DrBeef
As far as I am aware those games aren't officially supported. The issue is that without an appropriate profile in the config one of the first things to render incorrectly is the BRASSA menu, it's also unlikely the game would work very well either. You could try to find out what game engine it uses them try creating a profile and setting accordingly but I expect it is going to be very hit and miss. Ultimately, there isn't really an issue here, other than a lack of support for the titles you are trying.

Re: BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:51 am
by beublo
Silly me hadn't thought it could be an issue with the game engine. Thanks a lot for pointing that out.
I created a profile for Brothers (which runs on the unreal engine) and the menu displays fine now. On to configuring the separation and convergence now ! :D

Re: BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:53 am
by DrBeef
Nice one!, if you could submit a pull request for your changes to the profile.xml for that specific game once you have it working to your liking that would be good.

Re: BRASSA menu doesn't show up with 2.0.4 and oculus DK2

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:45 pm
by beublo
I'll be glad to when I'm set up fine. I'm still having a problem with Brothers, though.
It's hard to tell, because the camera is far away from the objects, but it feels both eyes have the same picture, save for the IPD setting which works fine. Neither the world scale nor the convergence setting seem to have any effect at all.
I tried some extreme settings (from around 0 to about double the default world scale, and from about zero to some large-ish value for convergence) and don't feel any difference :(
There are some scenes throughout the game that really deserve stereoscopy so I want to get this right.