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Kaneva + Perception + Oculus = Broke

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:55 pm
by groovyd
Hi All,

Name is Daryl and I am looking into getting Oculus Rift to work with Kaneva virtual world. I am a developer with Kaneva. Well I got the headset here setup and ran through the demos on my Macbook Pro Retina running Win7 VM via Parallels and it ran smooth as silk, some 250+ frames per second. A little strange though as I had to mirror the display and set it to 'Best For OculusRift' which is some 1280 pix and needless to say my 27" Cinema display looks pretty bad at that resolution but yes it did work and looked great through the headset.

So having success on this front I figured I would try launching Perception and Kaneva and hope for the best. Launching Perception complained about missing some D3dx9_43.DLL which is strange since the machine has DirectX installed and so I went to MS website and downloaded their 'DirectX End User Runtime' and installed it. Following that Perception did launch fine. Launching Kaneva however caused Kaneva to crash during video device initialization. Got a dump file from it but haven't looked at exactly where yet but it appears to be somewhere in the middle of Kaneva trying to select the right video mode to use. Closing Perception and launching Kaneva again seems to work fine but no headset action of course. Any thoughts on the missing DLL and then the game crash on initialization?

So I brought it into work and hooked it to my Dell Win7 laptop (same image that produced my mac vm) and it gave the same missing .dll error, updated same as home and the oculus demo runs however much slower then my mac vm of all things unexpected. Anyways launch Kaneva and crash, same as home. Manage to create a Profile for Perception using default game type setting and copy the perception/bin/*.dll into the Kaneva game folder and somehow manage to get past the crash running the game. (seems crash happens on login screen which I was able to circumvent). So here I am running Kaneva with Oculus Rift which is great except a few things...

1. frame rate is around 1 frame per 3 seconds, totally unuseable. normal client runs around 60 fps.
2. mouse and keyboard controls don't seem to work correctly but tilting my head does tilt the camera.
3. mouse cursor seems to get locked into the game play part of the screen and it doesnt let me click on the task bar for example to switch apps.

so i imagine what i am missing is all this BRASSA talk however I cannot find the BRASSA utility anywhere. Is this an exe somewhere I missed during the download? Reading the pdf says something about adding 10,000 to the profile and so I tried that changing the 'game_type' xml tag from 10 to 10010 and it doesn't seem to do anything. I am still not even sure the profile is being used while playing the game. Should I see the profile name in the Perception window while running? I only see my user profile name that was used to setup the Oculus using Oculus tools to set IPD.

Anyway, atleast it isn't immediately crashing on me so I could really use some help here figuring out how to create a functional profile and about those .dll errors and performance issues.


Re: Kaneva + Perception + Oculus = Broke

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:52 pm
by cybereality
Perception will not just work automatically with any game or engine. Although there are a few different engines supported, usually there has to be specific code created for each engine (or sometimes each game even with the same engine). It's not a plug-and-play affair.

If you have source code access with Kaneva you should look to see if you can create a native Rift integration using the C++ SDK. You will get better results.

Re: Kaneva + Perception + Oculus = Broke

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:52 am
by groovyd
I wanted to see how far I could get with Perception first by fully defining the required configuration files and shader filters etc. If someone would please explain where is BRASSA and how to run it and the boostVR would be appreciated.

Re: Kaneva + Perception + Oculus = Broke

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:03 am
by Neil
VRBoost is much harder to explain; there is a tutorial in the documentation. Add 10,000 to the gametype (so gametype 10 would be 10010 in the game profile). It's all in the documentation.
