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FYI PC/ Windows 7 64bit missing files for Vireio/Oculus Rift

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:13 pm
by julianlewis
In the last 2 weeks I have assembled my PC [graphics card is MSI OC 2GB Geoforce GTX 760, I only mention this as it might be relevant] & installed Windows 7 64 bit OS & drivers, updates and software. I have the Oculus Rift Dev Kit, I've already run ok the SDK & a few of the Rift demos; I am now trying my first attempt to run a non-Rift game! Last night:

I bought/ downloaded Oblivion via Steam, backed up & runs ok on my monitor.

I downloaded the Vireio Perception zip file & extracted/ saved the files to a new folder my hard drive.

Double clicking & running VirieoPerceptionProfiler.exe worked ok, I test-saved a Profile ok. However, when I double clicked on the Perception.exe file I got the following message:
'The program can't start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer'

I googled this. I installed BOTH [32 & 64 bit] files (I tried just 64 bit but didn't work so following online advice I installed both) - "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries":

I double clicked on the Perception.exe file I & got the following message:
'The program can't start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer'

I googled this. I deduced should install more DirectX files - "The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX — the core Windows® technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC":

BINGO: Double clicking the Perception.exe file it opened/ launched ok and with it open/running in the background I ran/ viewed Oblivion ok through the Oculuos Rift goggles.
HOWEVER: It doesn't look right [stereoscopic but too close & possibly doesn't look 3d] so next steps are to start mess about with all the driver & games settings.


I don't normally post on forums (only lurch) so I might have not followed the rules (or worse broken them) ; Please feel free to move this post/ delete/ edit / copy any bits - I've only submitted this because it took me a whole evening to get to this point & thought it might help the next person!

I can't find online any recommended Profile settings for Oblivion, if you can suggest any then please let me know. I've seen the post on the Oculus Rift forum for oblivion with 2 other drivers so I'll probably study it as a starting point. Oblivion is DirectX 9 so shouldn't be impossible, right?

Looks like there are lots of forum smilies to choose from but this is mine:

Re: FYI PC/ Windows 7 64bit missing files for Vireio/Oculus

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:22 pm
by Neil
Oblivion isn't supported yet. Do you have Skyrim?

Here is our FAQ: ... Itemid=473


Re: FYI PC/ Windows 7 64bit missing files for Vireio/Oculus

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:42 pm
by julianlewis
Hi Neil,
Thanks for your reply; I am embarrassed to ask but I would really like to the answer to - 'Oblivion isn't supported yet' - do you mean even if I do tinker with the driver Profile/ game settings there are still underlying issues programmatically so it won't make a difference?

Also thank you to you and your team for the blood sweat & tears put into this project to make it all possible

Re: FYI PC/ Windows 7 64bit missing files for Vireio/Oculus

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:00 pm
by Neil
Nothing to be embarrassed about. Yes, there is additional code work needed for that to work.
