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Perception 2 + skyrim Menu flickering no access to brassa

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:52 pm
by kalhohan
I just tried Perception, on my skyrim (heavily modded). I use to have enb + sli activated + skse among other thing.
I disabled them, to avoid crash.

I manage to correctly launch the game with perception dll copied to skyrim folder.
But all menus are flickering like hell, with or without skse.
I tried every combinaison writen in the documentation lctrl + T or other ones, but no menu is shown.
And by the way display look flat, or with 0 convergence or depth.

I running the last patched game on windows 8, on a i7 and 770 4gb display.

Any idea of what causing my problems?

Windows is setted to duplicate screen.


Re: Perception 2 + skyrim Menu flickering no access to bras

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:56 pm
by Neil
I'm sorry, but whatever mods you have, whatever extra installers you have, whatever incense and enchantments you are adding to Skyrim...uninstall and delete them.


Re: Perception 2 + skyrim Menu flickering no access to bras

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:05 pm
by kalhohan
Any reason? Since skyrim on pc is meant to be played with mods, it's a litle extreme to run the game virgin.
In that case do official dlc should be removed? They are also mods.

Re: Perception 2 + skyrim Menu flickering no access to bras

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:20 pm
by Neil
Vireio is an injection driver. Some of the popular mods use similar techniques to enhance Skyrim, and they create a conflict. There might be ways to work around them, but it's not a top priority right now. My advice is to get something basic working, and install your mods one at a time to see what if anything still runs.

Official DLC or mission add-ons should be fine. We haven't tested this, but they should work.

The drivers are free and open source. If others want to contribute special profiles or workarounds, they are most welcome to. In fact, a future driver release will be making opportunities like this even easier.


Re: Perception 2 + skyrim Menu flickering no access to bras

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:00 pm
by LjudasPriest
In Perception 2 use LCTRL+Q to access the menu
Its been changed from LCTRL+T but the documentation has not been updated