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Ghost Machine

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:52 am
by Mitbekommer
I'm excited. Yesterday I saw this great movie ghost machine. Don't read further to avoid spoilers

To be honest, the worst of all was the female actress. And I'm saying this as a straight man.

I presume most of you who have seen this movie yet didn't even pay attention to the plot itself but more to the device that enabled them to actually get immersed into the virtual world.

I think I wasn't the only one who realized that the porn magazine DVD would have never - especially not when being intended for just playing on a DVD player - worked with that system right from the start like a virtual-reality plug-and-play.

But apart from that as I recently pointed out they go the right way by interfacing the brain directly. Whereas they did not address how brain functionality is changed, they only said that you would fall into a kind of sleep. Which makes it interesting in another way as this is targeted towards changing the subconscious mind. And when you're dreaming you basically experience a fantasy world;it could be easier to change dreams than the conscious mind.

What are your thoughts on this?