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VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:38 am
by burf2000
Hey everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong section

So I am trying to bring life back in to my VR920 while I wait for my Rift to turn up

Has anyone got these working with Windows 8 64? I have installed the drivers by disabling the driver cert thing. I can see 1024 x 768, but when I drop it to 640 x 480 for 3D support , the glasses just show a blue screen.

Is this a graphics card issue showing this low res? Or windows being silly

I am sure I managed to get it working in Windows 7.

Or maybe I should just sell them?

Re: VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:11 pm
by cybereality
I sold my VR920 a while ago. I do believe it worked on Windows Vista and 7, so I would guess it could work on 8 as well. Never tried it though.

However, why doesn't 3D work at 1024x768? I didn't think the resolution should matter.

Also, I don't believe Windows will support 640x480 anymore, but you can still full-screen games at that res.

Re: VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:37 am
by burf2000
So is it probably best to sell them, Oh I like your blog, very cool

Re: VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:29 pm
by cybereality
Thanks for the feedback on my blog. I'm glad someone likes it.

Re: VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:41 pm
by Ryuuken24
I don't think it's a windows issue but, hardware issue. I have one, back in the closet. The same issue happened a lot, I remember it being a limitation with the glasses not windows. You gotta google about it.

Re: VR920 with Windows 8 64bit

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:19 am
by Johnny-Mnemonic
VR920 will show blue screen when you have more than 1024x768 in your video signal or if your signal is more than 60Hz! Check that also.