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Welcome to the Vireio Perception Open Source Drivers Forum

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:42 pm
by Neil
Welcome to the official (open source) Vireio Perception drivers forum!

Andres Hernandez (Cybereality) came up with the idea of creating his own stereoscopic 3D drivers that will work with The Oculus Rift. While stereoscopic 3D or VR injection drivers could never hold a candle to native game support, they feature head tracking and limited DirectX 9 compatibility.

Andres has taken on some new responsibilities, and he won't be able to continue this programming effort directly. Recognizing the unmatched expertise and enthusiasm for 3D and VR amongst MTBS' membership, Andres has decided to release his drivers as open source, and MTBS will serve as their official forum outlet.

The first working package can be downloaded from Andres' site, and the source code is being served on github.

While these drivers should work equally well on AMD and Nvidia graphics cards, they are very limited compared to the more polished and professionally developed solutions like that offered by Dynamic Digital Depth (TriDef) and Nvidia 3D Vision. However, they are what gamers ultimately make of them.

For those trying these drivers out for the first time, please be aware of the following:

1. The drivers and source code are provided as is. MTBS and the drivers' authors will not be held accountable for lost data, software, hardware damage, or any direct or indirect problems associated with them.

2. The drivers are only compatible with about ten games listed in the readme file at this time.

3. The drivers are open source. Please do not try to repackage and sell them.

4. DO NOT play multiplayer games with these drivers. Anticheat programs (e.g. Punkbuster) will likely see the drivers as a form of game hacking, and have you kicked or possibly banned from games.

5. While Andres Hernandez (Cybereality) may provide initial support or guidance in our discussion forums, the software's long term development and support will come from its committed developers and community backing.

Good luck, everyone!
