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Giving away My Free Unity Trial Key

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:37 pm
by whelanweb
Hi All

I received my Rift yesterday and I love it to bits. Oculus have done a great job on creating a new Media Format which I feel will take the world by storm as soon as they release it to the unsuspecting general public.

Im not a game Developer im just a web designer and VR enthusiast and Oculus have provided a 4 month free trial with all purchases of its development kit including mine.

I'd hate to see it go to waste as I don't have the time to learn Unity and even if I did id probably make a piss poor experience so with this in mind I would like to give it away to any aspiring developer here who thinks they could use it to mock up a Demo for the Rift.

To make it a bit more interesting and if you would like to get the key please post below what type of Demo you would create. The most unique and interesting ideas will go up in a Forum Poll and the community will vote on who gets the key.

To enter just type at the start of the post ( KEY ME )

If you just want to make a Demo suggestion for fun don't type anything at the start of your post.

Note to OculusVR: Please let me know if the above is ok to do. ;)

Re: Giving away My Free Unity Trial Key

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:05 pm
by zalo
More crazy optical position tracking experiments... And other stuff (see YouTube channel)
(My current license is running out :( )

Re: Giving away My Free Unity Trial Key

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:19 am
by mr.uu
Beeing a person interested and hobby level into development but with family and short of time to invest in learning Unity I would like to contribute TWO keys (i did order two times).
But a poll is to complicated for me and no way you have to ask oculus what to do with YOUR keys...
I would say, the first two who are sending me an PM will receive it.

I am waiting ;)

EDIT: ONE left...
EDIT#2: all gone!

Re: Giving away My Free Unity Trial Key

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:42 pm
by whelanweb
Your probably right. First dev who IM's me can get my key.