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Hoasca VR - Psychedelic Enhancer

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:29 am
by mateuszica
Hi everyone!
My name is Mateus , i want to show a demo of a game we are developing here at Beyond tech Games.
This "game" is called "HOASCA VR - Psychedelic Enhancer", it was designed to be used with psychedelic drugs like LSD, DMT/Ayahuasca, Marijuana, Peyote, Magic Mushrooms, Salvia, etc to enhance psychedelic experiences.
(ps: it can also be enjoyed without the use of any psychedelic drugs)

Links to download the game:
*Google Docs :
* ... sp=sharing
DropBox :
* ...

Here are some screenshots :


Some background on the game:

Back in the virtual reality hype of 90’s i thought it would be wonderful to use psychedeldics like DMT ou LSD or even marijuana and be immersed in a virtual environments.
In the past dacade i read a lot about the use of virtual reality as a mean of generating psychedelic experiences or to enhance these experiences. Great authors like timothy leary,terence mckenna, wrote extensively about this.
Back in 90’s they even created a term to describe the interaction of virtual reality and psychdeleics, the term is CYBERDELICS, you can learn more about it in this wikipedia article

When we discovered the OCULUS RIFT and saw how great it is we rushed to find a “game” to help improve Psychedeleic experienices, and unfortunately we found nothing, so we decided to create a game for this porpuse.

Basically, Hoasca VR is a game to enhance psychedelics experiences. It was build for psychedelic drug users who want to embrance this new technology to improve their experiences.

*VERY IMPORTANT : WE DISENCOURAGE THE USE OF DRUGS TO PLAY THIS GAME BY THOSE WHO ARE NOT USERS OF PSYCHEDELIC ALREADY. SO IF YOU ARE NOT A PSYCHEDELIC DRUG USER, DON'T USE IT JUST TO PLAY THIS GAME. This game was developed for experienced psychonauts (eg:a person who actively explores the psyche through the use psychedelic drugs. See :

This game is a experiment in consciousness. We want to know how much a virtual envoriement can
enchance a altereated state of mind.

Back in 60’s investigators of psychedelic drugs stated that SET AND SETTING greatly influenced the psychdelic experience.
SET describes the mental state a person brings to the experience, like thoughts, mood and expectations while SETTING is the envoriement in which this experience happens. We are working to give the best virtual SETTING for the user.


This game is in very early stage of development, and maybe its not yet FULLY perfected to improve psychedelic experiences but we want to work hard on this to give the perfected envoriements to improve these experiments.
We want a feedback and sugestions FROM users to make this game better and better.
While developing the game we felt like entering a uncharted teritory, since the is no VIRTUAL REALITY game for this porpuse. Today our develpment are realying on our own experiments with psychdeic drugs (Mainly DMT/Ayahuasca/Santo Daime) and from visionary art and Surrealism art such as this :



Links to download the game:
*Google Docs :
* ... sp=sharing
DropBox :
* ...

Hope you enjoy the “game” and give us feedback.

Re: Hoasca VR - Psychedelic Enhancer

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:34 am
by Pyong
wicked cool! gonna try this out now :)

Re: Hoasca VR - Psychedelic Enhancer

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:37 am
by WiredEarp
Looks very intriguing. I imagine G33kmaster might like this one...

Re: Hoasca VR - Psychedelic Enhancer

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:39 am
by geekmaster
WiredEarp wrote:Looks very intriguing. I imagine G33kmaster might like this one...
I posted the first reply in the other forum. There are some comments in that other thread about this topic that may be worth reading: ... =29&t=2932

Re: Hoasca VR - Psychedelic Enhancer

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:26 pm
by WiredEarp
@ G33kmaster:

From the other forum:
My first wife was a close friend since early childhood, and I built up a pretty good model of here mind in my mind, to the point where I knew were she had been and who she was with just from residual body language, and I knew who she was talking to on the telephone from minor variations in her vocal patterns. She accused me of "mind reading", which aided communication for decades, but when she later had "secret friends" she considered it an invasion of privacy, which ended in divorce.
To me, the experience is very much like listening, where I predict probabilities for future potential words in the unfinished sentence in progress. It is a lot like playing chess, where I think many moves ahead. People get angry when they pause and I complete there sentences for them, so I have to try to bite my tongue. I lost a lot of accuracy and mostly stopped doing this after my brain trauma a couple of decades ago. But I have friends who still practice that to a lesser degree. They tell me they have had many "psychic communication" evens (brain sync via common experience and subtle cues).
That was very interesting, I have almost identical experiences with a couple of my close friend. AND im always finishing peoples sentences, using probability prediction (also works to aid speedreading). I do feel it can get annoying for some people sometimes.

I've also had lots of empathic psychic experiences, and one case of actual telepathy after taking acid as an atheist teen. I happen to think there is much more to reality than we currently understand, or many believe.