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Mafia: Confirmed Working

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:58 pm
by maxthreat
I've been experimenting on my 8800gtx and using 177.83 + Stereo 162.50
I loaded up Mafia and get some great stereo effects at all high setting. With all the cables for the cable-cars and underpasses it makes for some great ooooss and aawwwws. Along with nice texture detail and slower cars it's perfect for site seeing around NY.
I didn't see any threads about this game yet, it shouldn't be missed. I could take some shots but don't know how to in stereo.

I did have a strange bug when changing convergence. Everything went black but I could see an onscreen menu flashing with green bars like a volume meter with the words, "Depth Level" it also showed separation. Convergence starting at the left and separation starting at the right meeting in the middle. I don't know if anyone has seen this but it looks like NV is trying to add a stereo OSD. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:57 am
by LukePC1
No one has every game and this forum is relativly new - about 1 year, so most of the content are more modern games.

You should be able to make screenshots by hitting crtl+F1 and you can upload them in the galery. Hover over the @ symbol there and then click on the appearing 'upload' link. You have to rename it to .jpg before you upload...

If you had to tweak or shutt of anything please write down the changes you made here, so it works for others, too.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:28 pm
by maxthreat
Hey there,
Thanks for the info. I'll see if I can get some screenshots. Mafia isn't the newest game thats for sure. It came out back in 02 but it makes for perfect for 3D. Great 3D lighting, building architecture, no post processing and it runs fast enough that I can run it at 2048x1536 85hz and see great detail along with having AA enabled. The HUD is 2D as well as crosshair and text, there's one lighting effect that does not appear in 3D but other than that it's pretty amazing. I've been a member of these forums for about a year now and try to contribute my opinion when needed. I haven't had 3D for almost the past year, till 162.50's, so I haven't posted much :).
I'll post with exact setting and images, thanks again.

Well sorry screenshots are a garbled mess. It really is very nice though.
All in game setting: Highest
Oblivion HDR Compatibility 4x4 Supersampling + gamma and Transparency AA
HW T&L only or the HUD and performance are shot.
