blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

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blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by Mattijs »

The helmet which very moodily lags behind on your head movement seems very big. I honestly had the idea in the beginning that that WAS the pod i was in in space.
Why is that...other things in unity seem good scale wise. What's the deal? Can you change things in these demos or does the maker just have a very small or very big ipd ?
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Re: blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by BloodShed »

The helmet seems fine to me. It's definitely a lot bigger than a motorcycle helmet which has to be snug on the face... but it seemed reasonable enough for a big, bulky space suit.

My only complaint might be that the earth and moon appear to be relatively small.
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Re: blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by xhonzi »

Tell me about it! I was in this plane the other day and the people looked like ants!


My point being that reality looks fake from time to time... so fake reality will have to look fake to look real... but that will leave it looking fake.
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Re: blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by eidahl »

... wait, that was a helmet? I thought I was in a spaceship, heh. Never finished the demo.
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Re: blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by TheHolyChicken »

eidahl wrote:... wait, that was a helmet? I thought I was in a spaceship, heh. Never finished the demo.
You never "finished it"? It's only about 90 seconds long!

I, too, have issues with this demo. The 3D of the objects at the peripheral of my vision (the visor) indicated to me that I was in a little space ship - it appears decently far away. I only realised it was supposed to be a helmet after reading comments here. It needs to be/feel much much closer if it's supposed to be a visor. Also, the planet just doesn't seem to capture the monumental scale that it should. It's still one of my favourite Rift experiences to demo to people, but I wish it was a touch better.
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Re: blue marble very pretty...but scale off? IPD + unity ?

Post by Mattijs »

even though the helmet could very well have been made so it looks smaller....i think it's hard to combine very large and very small
objects in a 3d're bound to walk into computer precision issues. I know that at least either the outerra or the unigine people were talking
about that. It's probably the outerra guy seeing it dealt with especially opengl's shortcomings with 'far away' data.
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