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please check this out, and report back (or PM me)

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:10 pm
by lnrrgb
Would someone who uses Nvidia's driver please check this game out. I moved in with IZ3D, and their driver works with this game, but there are some technical issues that need to be worked out. I want to know if the same problems exist with the Nvidia driver, before I start a conversation with the developers. The game gets forced into a windowed mode when the IZ3D driver gets enabled. It is still playable, but the window is fixed in size, and there is some mouse issues too.

I think this game could be a very special app for the stereoscopic gaming crowd, if the issues can be evened out. It seems destined to be the game of choice for showing S3D neophites what we are all giddy about when we finally get S3D working right. I'm not kidding... I know we all have our favorite genre of game, but this game seems to me to be a special fit with S3D. Check the demo out, ignore the one ingame problem (when enemies arrive, a 2D circle appears (that represents a radar of sorts), and kinda throws the game off. I hope that the developers can click an internal switch, and eliminate this aspect of the game (a guy can hope, right?) If that circle could be eliminated, and the windowing trouble rectified.....I bet every S3D gamer would play this game, if not outright buy it!!! (none of us pirate stuff, right?)

Anyways, I hope a few of you will test this out, and report back. Thx

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:57 pm
by Freke1
I get this:


with Nvidia's 91.31 3D driver (which I still use...).
The game is fullscreen but keeps throwing me out to the desktop for some reason (like Alt-tabbing out and in of a game loosing nothing). No mouse issues.
The 3D does not look right to me but I can't tell what's wrong.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:32 am
by lnrrgb
Cool, at least it stays fullscreen, which means IZ3D can probably adjust something themselves to fix the trouble I see. Your JPS looks like the 3D is working, and maybe a little tweaking of the settings could help the effect. Maybe my estimation of the potential of this game is off though. I have been pondering what would make for a great, simple game, (you know, not a 5GB install). The way the guts of the game are centered in the screen, and dont really extend to the edges of the screen. The spherical nature of it all ( I especially like how your errant shots warp around the environment when they miss objects).

I do submit that the feel of the game is odd, at least with the mouse controls that I tried. Another control scheme might be better suited for the game. I am mainly interested in the contrast between 2D gaming, and S3D gaming - in a game where the S3D does not hinder a players ability to function much. As in where FPS games are kinda harder to play in S3D. Though we fans may enjoy S3D, newbies are not only thrown off by the technical skill level to get it all running right, but the drastic drop off in their gaming skills in S3D is a bummer to them.

hell Im rambling again....

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:08 am
by LukePC1
Freke1 wrote:I get this:


with Nvidia's 91.31 3D driver (which I still use...).
The game is fullscreen but keeps throwing me out to the desktop for some reason (like Alt-tabbing out and in of a game loosing nothing). No mouse issues.
The 3D does not look right to me but I can't tell what's wrong.
I tried it with 94.24 driver combo and it crashes when hitting the hotkey. I didn't see any S-3D. And when playing in normal mode it was not very difficult with virtually unlimited ammo and just pressing the first mouse button all the time.

@ Frekes shot: I'd say it is a little disturbing, that this circle (and the hud) is behind/around the asteroid. In this shot there is some writing IN the asteroid and it couldn't be there in real world :roll:
Maybe it would work without popout but only 'popin'?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:17 pm
by The_Nephilim
in game worked, menus didnt look readable in Stereo had to close 1 eye to see it right.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:32 am
by LukePC1
The_Nephilim wrote:in game worked, menus didnt look readable in Stereo had to close 1 eye to see it right.
that is most certainly due to wrong settings with the driver. Usually I try to have the menue at screen depth and the rest so that it looks ok/good. Usually it's a lot of popin then, but at least everything is readable

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:02 pm
by The_Nephilim
what setting would that be?? Just curious??