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Minecrift multiplayer with 2 Omnis + Rift

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:45 pm
by JanVR
Hi all,

Wanted to share our latest game demo, playing the Minecrift mod in multiplayer with two Omnis. Even though the Minecraft graphics seem unsuited for VR, the game is actually a blast with Rift + Omni.

Let me know what you think?


Re: Minecrift multiplayer with 2 Omnis + Rift

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:03 pm
by nateight
Awesome stuff, Jan. Even with its flaws, Minecraft really is a great VR game. I can't remember ever seeing people play a multiplayer game just to explore the environment, but that's what true immersion brings to the table, isn't it? Virtual exploration "games" are going to be a big component of the first wave of mainstream VR adoption, it would seem. Being able to actually walk through these fictional worlds or a digital representation of our real one is almost certainly the optimal way to have such an experience, and you Omni guys deserve all your success for seeing this precept so clearly. The very idea that you can separate those two Rift+Omni setups, insert a computer network between them, and be inside a virtual space with someone who is physically far away, that's the stuff that really blows my mind.

Please, keep showing us more. I get the sense that every time you release a video of this thing in action, more and more people "get" it.

Re: Minecrift multiplayer with 2 Omnis + Rift

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:35 pm
by Lookforyourhands
Great video Jan ! You beat me to it ! lol :P