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Different kind of VR glasses

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:42 am
by Ananas
I was watching this video, Antiloop - In My Mind, and I wondered if this could be possible:
Contact lenses that work the same way than the lenses is current VR headsets with big glasses as a display. I'm not sure how the eye movement with those lenses would work or is it even possible to do this right in front of your eyes.
What do you think?


Re: Different kind of VR glasses

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:40 am
by geekmaster
Ananas wrote:I was watching this video, Antiloop - In My Mind, and I wondered if this could be possible:
Contact lenses that work the same way than the lenses is current VR headsets with big glasses as a display. I'm not sure how the eye movement with those lenses would work or is it even possible to do this right in front of your eyes.
What do you think? ... wrote:The augmented reality future we were long ago promised has been slow to come around, perhaps restrained most by the basic biology of our own eyes, which are unable to properly see detailed images placed very near the pupils. But via technology developed in part with a certain government agency, Washington-based Innovega has created a unique contact lens technology that allows the eye to focus on images projected very close to the eyes as well as objects in the real world beyond. wrote:Innovega's iOptik lenses don't actually include a display, but rather allow the human eye to focus on an image from a separate accessory that sits right up close to the eyeball. The lenses have different zones that give the wearer multiple areas of focus, so they can see the overlaid augmented reality HUD -- such as a feed from an overhead drone -- but also warlike events going on in the immediate environment.
Or, just build the display into the contact lens itself: wrote:One day you may not have to rely on holding your mobile phone in front of your face to get the benefits of augmented reality – you’ll get online information about the world around you projected straight onto your eyes via contact lenses. ... The US and Finnish team at the University of Washington in Seattle say that the contact lens display is powered by a remote radiofrequency transmitter. A 5mm-long antenna printed on the lens receives gigahertz-range radio-frequency energy from a transmitter ten centimeters from the lens. This means that there’s not exactly great range on these things yet, although it’s perhaps easy to imagine such lenses being powered remotely from your mobile phone’s battery, perhaps.
Current state-of-the-art in contact lens displays:

Contact lens future tech concept design:

Re: Different kind of VR glasses

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:42 pm
by cybereality
Wow! Antiloop! That brings back memories.