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Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:10 pm
by Morpheox
Hi everybody, this is my first post in this forums, and i hope is not the last, first of all sorry for my bad english, its not my first language.
I´ve been reading news about vr for a long time, and im really interested in it, im gonna buy the oculus whenever the comercial version is released, but meanwhile im experimenting a bit with making a working hmd, and im gonna show you the first one i made, it was made in 1 hour and it cost me around 1.5€, the rest are home recycled stuff, its freaking ugly but surprisingly it works, hope my next version its more refined so tips and tricks woul be higly valuable to me, the lenses are 3x 60mm each, the screen its a 4.3' 480x800 Zte Skate, the box its closed with a magnet, i have removed the string that goes in the head for taking the pics.

Here it is the thing:


Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:37 pm
by Namielus
make a hole for your nose so you can get it closer to your face.
Also foamboard is cheap and really fun to work with if you want to make a better case for it.

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:04 am
by mcdohl
LOL Se nota que los españoles estamos en crisis :lol:
¿Te ha dado buen resultado de visión, que lentes estás usando?
Un saludo

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by android78
That's awesome. About as barebones as you can get! What are the black poles in the middle of it for?

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:58 pm
by Likay
I think the phone is located between the black poles and the white ones at the sides. The black poles supports the backside of the phone. I'm only guessing though.

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:23 pm
by Morpheox
Thanx for the reply :lol: , it works the way likay mentioned, it was only an early prototype to see if it works.
mcdohl wrote:LOL Se nota que los españoles estamos en crisis :lol:
¿Te ha dado buen resultado de visión, que lentes estás usando?
Un saludo
No se si sera bueno por que no puedo compararlo con nada, pero funcionar funciona eso seguro, por el presupuesto que tiene ya es un logro :lol:

im working in an more serious one now that i saw that indeed it works :D, im using a pair of soldering glasses like this:


and replacing the plain glass for lenses, and then connecting it to a mobile support, if it works properly i might think on building a real one,
i already have sensors for it, but the price of good lenses and lcd screens get me back for now.

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:49 am
by Jarvis
Not that bad! You would be surprise what junk you can find laying around if your willing to part it out. Here's my attempt
that work's pretty good yet I'm sure you will find that its only "just working" and eventually you will need to get a screen/driver/enclosure
setup to really have something with good quality.
2x binoculars
2x freznel lens
1x junction box
foil tap
welder mask head mount
electrical tape

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:01 pm
by Molondro
Hacendado me hallo...

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:06 pm
by saimon1987
Somos todos españoles en este foro? jajaj. Estoy flipando.

That attempt is not that bad , my friend. I've seen some DIY HMD'S that were looking much worse than yours...But.. as long as it works, it's allright :P
I'm right now building my own.

Re: Ugliest and cheaper vr phone box ever made

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:18 pm
by thirty3baboons
love the lens covers :)