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Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:15 pm
by kenman884
My contribution to the Rift community:

Minecraft, modded for the Oculus Rift!

Unfortunately my only programming experience is in C and I'm in school currently, but I plan on working on it sometime soon(tm)!

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:27 pm
by Camron
Minecraft is already planned to officially support the Rift ... ulus-rift/


Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:35 am
by kenman884
It was also planned to have official mod support.

I'm not holding my breath for an official minecraft update including the rift.

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:01 am
by K701

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:13 pm
by Evenios
it would be awesome to see it work for the Rift however i dont think they will offically support it in Minecraft anytime soon. they may be the first ones with a Kit but there has been zero updates whatsoever on rift support, plus considering how amazingly long its taking to come out with the Mod API it could be a while.....would be nice to seem some work around in the meantime however!

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:23 pm
by unsilentwill
Notch wrote:@BenKuchera Need to get back from vegas and play bioshock infinite, but I'll take another swing at it. No promises. :D
Notch wrote:@BenKuchera or perhaps one of the actual minecraft devs will decide it would be cool. :D
Minecraft is one of my favorite games for so, so many reasons. It's very hard to wait for this, I literally can't understand why Jens or the other developers aren't as excited as Notch is. People have been asking a lot... radio silence. Obviously it'd make everyone a bunch of money, but it's pretty tricky to think of any PC games that'd worked better.

Also, I wish I knew more about code, so this:, ... l#msg26630 might be linking to the same thread, but I've seen a few demos, does anyone have anything working in engine?

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:06 am
by mrklaw
notch (if it is really him) has already asked about information on getting rift input data into java on the oculus development forums. Thats probably the most tricky part. They already have anaglyph support, and there is already a fairly well working stereo 3D wrapper (works in side by side mode on my 3DTV for instance)

HUD they could maybe get by with just copying what TF2 do for now - shrink and centre it and float it away from you.

considering Oculus sent them a devkit, you'd have thought they'd have java support - even 0x01c is being written in java I think?

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:47 pm
by Evenios
considering Minecraft was mentined in their press thing about their roadmap hopefully they are working on a way.

Honestly it might be best if they figure out how to convert Minecraft from Java to C++ anyways in the long run considering a lot of people having errors with memory and such, Java really isnt a standered to work with as far as bigger games and now that Minecraft has gone more mainstream. We'll see. but a simple 3rd party solution might be some sort of wrapper. I hope a solution comes up soon as with the game not being that detailed anyways (even with better texture packs) i think using it with a rift wouldnt be a huge issue with the low res. I have been playing current minecraft in 3d lately (red + blue glasses) and it is quite fun. Cant wait to get it working with the Rift!

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:46 pm
by Dakor
I think you can see Threads in the Form even without an Account:

Java Wrapper: ... .php?t=255

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:04 pm
by unsilentwill
Dinnerbone wrote:I have to steal one of the rifts for testing purposes later, I keep forgetting we have awesome things
Sigh... I just don't understand... has he ever even been caving in Minecraft? How on earth is this not top priority.

Well at least we have our mission now:
Notch wrote:You'll have to bug @jeb_ or possibly @Dinnerbone (who just recently expressed interest in the rift on twitter ;D)
Dinnerbone wrote:Haven't tried it yet. Tomorrow!

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:37 pm
by jf031
unsilentwill wrote:Sigh... I just don't understand... has he ever even been caving in Minecraft? How on earth is this not top priority.
Not enough Rift owners (a completely insignificant number compared to the overall amount of Minecraft players), and, if some information I've seen on Reddit is accurate, it would take a lot of work to get the Rift integrated. Not that Dinnerbone himself has even looked into it yet (and Jens seems to have zero interest in the Rift, going by the complete lack of any mention of it [ever?] on his Twitter).

It is definitely my #1 most wanted game to have Rift support, though. I agree that cave exploration in Minecraft is awesome, and would be {no word for it} with the Rift!

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:08 pm
by Marulu
You don´t have to wait for Mojang to add Rift support to Minecraft, because StellaArtois of this very forum is currently modding the game to support the Rift.
He soon is going to release the alpha version of his mod, he doesn´t have his Rift yet so he needs us for reporting bugs.
You soon are going to be able to find the mod here:

Re: Riftcraft

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:19 pm
by Ryuuken24
StellaArtois alpha 0.24 is out, so, there you go. Thread done!