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Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:35 am
by Namielus
Hey! I have the trackir5 software running and tracking correctly.
I also have the Vireio Perception driver with SocketTracker enabled.

When I select the trackir plugin from within FreePie, Nothing happens except asking if logging should be enabled.
I could not find a guide on how to set up FreePie, and therefore do not know what the next step is
to allow FreePie to send the trackir data into SocketTracker.

Nothing at all seems to be happening in FreePie after I select the TrackIR option from the plugin menu.

Any help?

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:59 am
by Namielus
update; I realized there is another readme inside the bin folder, and it instructed me to put a vireioST.dll in the plugin folder of FreePie.
Works now.

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:15 am
by CyberVillain
edit: Nice! :D Posted this before I saw that you had it working :D

You need to feed FreePIE with some kind of script for it to know what you want it to do.

The simplest of scripts could be this

Code: Select all
Check the watch window and see that values from trackir are sent correctly to freepie

When that is established its up to you what you wanna do, for example this is a mouse emulation script

Code: Select all

#Use Z to toggle on/off and right mouse to activate head tracking 
#(Good for games like Battlefield 3)
def update():
	yaw = trackIR.yaw
	pitch = trackIR.pitch
	deltaYaw =
	deltaPitch =   

	if (enabled and hotkey):
		mouse.deltaX = deltaYaw*multiply
		mouse.deltaY = -deltaPitch*multiply

if starting:
	enabled = False
	multiply = 20
	trackIR.update += update

hotkey = mouse.rightButton
toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.Z)

if toggle:
	enabled = not enabled

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:45 am
by Baristan6
Namielus wrote:update; I realized there is another readme inside the bin folder, and it instructed me to put a vireioST.dll in the plugin folder of FreePie.
Works now.
FYI SocketTracker has been replaced in Vireio with SharedMemory Tracker. It is faster, less buggy, uses Vireo's per game multipliers on yaw/pitch/roll, and fits better with FrePIE.

Here Is the latest version
Perception and VireioSMT Mar_4_2013.rar
The source can be found at and

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:01 am
by Namielus
Thanks! I was wondering why I could not get roll working.

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:39 am
by baggyg
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to say a huge thanks to all the people who got freePIE working with track IR 5. After much research and playing I have head tracking up and running on pretty much any game I want. Latest one was Slender: The Arrival I tried. Its nice to have. You don't navigate all the time using your head (that would be weird in real life too) but for strolling along or stationary checking out the environment its very cool.

P.s. This is using a SonyHMZ-T1 and with Nvidia 3D vision so you get a good Low Field of View virtual reality experience

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:57 am
by CyberVillain
@baggyg Thanks for the kind words. Out of curiosity, what was the problems you faced with getting FreePIE to work with TrackIR?

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:54 am
by baggyg
CyberVillain wrote:@baggyg Thanks for the kind words. Out of curiosity, what was the problems you faced with getting FreePIE to work with TrackIR?
@cybervillain Getting the TrackIR5 working with FreePIE was actually a breeze. There was an initial learning curve just understanding how everything fits together (only had my track ir a month). However with the latest release and a sample mouse emulation script I was up and running relatively quickly.

The 'problems' I found were really just the fine adjustments within the game. I played a lot with different trackIR profiles combined with freePIE script multipliers plus in-game mouse sensitivity settings. Generally when I play I like the headtracking to be smooth (and responsive) and not too exaggerated whilst the mouse itself is more responsive for quick movements and combat.

I have ended up with always using the one:one profile in the trackIR program.
I then have a script per game that I change the multipliers until I am happy with it.
The last aspect is just making sure the game is running at a strong enough FPS to not induce any lag.

Played a lot of Skyrim and Bioshock over the weekend. Got it working so nicely that when I took my HMZ off my vision went really strange. I think my brain had adjusted to the slight latency and was compensating for it. It felt as though in real life I had the same slight latency. I suppose some people would worry about this but I took it as sign I got a very good experience going. Needless to say the effect wore off in 15 minutes.

I also tried it using the SharedMemoryTracker with Perception. I certainly like the multipliers CyberReality built in, I use this depending on which 3d experience is better but generally with a little help from Helix 3d vision works well.

Re: Setting up FreePie with Trackir5

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:19 am
by CyberVillain
Ah okey, thought there were problems with TrackIR>FreePIE.
nice that it worked out well for you, thanks for feedback!