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Mass Effect

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:47 pm
by Neil
I got my hands on Mass Effect today, and while the game has promise, I find the camera angle consistency to be... :(

What separation and convergence settings do you guys use?


Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:12 am
by Znith
The only time I found the camera to be inconsistant was during cut scenes. I fiddled with the settings quite a bit here, did get some decent screens during cutscenes but it became a chore after a while so I gave up and watched them in 2D.

I mainly used 325.35%/.0225 to keep the aiming more accurate and some of the ghosting to a minimum. At times just for looking around in the Citadel (and goofing around) I bumped things up to 1160.95%/.0168. In the Mako I could go up as far as 4201%/.0021 (crazy yes and it did look like you were playing inside a box).

You can get really deep S3D. I thought this game looked quite good despite the crosstalk.

Re: Mass Effect

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:35 am
by neilthecellist
My hypothesis is that it's mainly the FOV. When the camera is right up to a character's face, the FOV is soooooo small that convergence starts to go cookoo. At long range, everything seems normal.

I don't like games that make me have to switch presets depending on the circumstance within the game (e.g. in-combat, or in-dialogue, or in-cutscene all require different separation/convergence settings)