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Tridef 3D Ignition 3.6.18 beta 2

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:35 am
by Earmack
TriDef/DDD release new beta:

Here's a new beta version of Ignition. As usual this can be installed on top of an existing TriDef 3D installation (OEM or retail), but please be aware that beta versions are not fully tested.


- Fixed an issue that caused several DX9 games to crash on NVIDIA graphics cards (with 3xx drivers). Games confirmed to be fixed include Skyrim, Dynasty Warriors Online, Max Payne 3 and Darksiders 2. Other games may also be fixed (potentially any DX9 game crash that listed "nvd3dum.dll" in the error dialog).

- Added profile: Strike Suit Zero
- Added profile: Champions Online
- Added profile: Rise of Flight
- Added profile: Dead Space 3
- Fixed a Far Cry 3 water reflections issue in DX11

Known Issues:

- Several DX11 games including Battlefield 3 are crashing on NVIDIA graphics cards with 3xx drivers. We are currently investigating this issue.

Download: ...

Edit: Updated to Beta 2 to include a Far Cry 3 improvement.