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Ahhh! I can't keep up with this board anymore !!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:51 am
by brantlew
Man, I remember not long ago when I could read through every post and participate in most discussions, but I'm just about to give up. I'm starting to just have to selectively follow threads and leave others out entirely. There is just so much stuff coming in I feel like I have to read most of the day to catch everything. How's a guy supposed to get any work done! :shock:

I'm frightened for the day the Rifts start shipping.

Re: Ahhh! I can't keep up with this board anymore !!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:44 am
by lnrrgb
Big AMEN here bruddah! I fully expect history to one day acknowledge this forum to contain the earliest, measurable shadows of the singularity, detectable by any, and all means. That is all I seem to be able contribute these days, but at least I was here, briefly and insignificantly perhaps, but here none the less! Hence why we've all been told - the Shadow knows!

Re: Ahhh! I can't keep up with this board anymore !!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:47 pm
by FingerFlinger
Same here! I had to put the forums on my StayFocusd list to limit myself; 20 minutes per day.