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Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:39 pm
by kingrhomby

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:58 pm
by cybereality
Hey man! Welcome to the forum! I loved that video, you definitely have the spirit of VR.

I think this project sounds really interesting and wish you the best of luck. I also contributed $100 to the IndieGoGo (I think I was first!!!).

However I do think the goal of $500K is ambitious, especially without clear rewards for funding the project. I think the Rift was so successful because people were getting a physical product out of it. So maybe if you could add some sort of reward for backers it may do better. Also, do you really need $500K to complete this? Maybe a smaller goal would be more realistic.

Anyway, good luck. And I sent you a request on FB (I'm Andres Hernandez).

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:27 pm
by kingrhomby

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:08 am
by RoadKillGrill
I can't see the video because it is flagged as private :?
If its the same as the one on Facebook I think I need some context or at least an explanation on what I'm looking at here.

I see people with ski masks and four tiki torches with paper plates. Then there is some augmented reality mockups. Then some messing around with what looks like a kinect.
What would I be funding? A HMD? Cameras? Software to combine cameras?

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:09 am
by mahler
The YouTube video is currently set to private, but it's probably the same as your Facebook video ... =3&theater

I saw that before and really want to back a product which can accomplish what you show in the video...
But the project description is rather emtpy and like RoadKillGrill said, what is your goal / product exactly?

This facebook comment does provide some more details:
James Fry wrote: The concept in this video is a demonstration of what will be possible with virtual reality technologies that I am working on. Once I have perfected this invention i will release it to the public. The setup consists of 4 cameras mounted on poles around a subject, that is then able to translate the person into digital data and fed into a HMD (head mount display). with current computing hardware we are able to produce this effect. basically, a person will enter the centre of their 4 cameras, put on their HMD and see a complete virtual world around them with a 3D realtime model of themselves overlayed, so it actually looks like you yourself have entered a virtual world. I am currently working on software, and there has been a delay, however imagine, for example, sitting in your room, as 3D digital objects move around you, you can have a pet dragon, that floats around your room, or, turn your walls into the beach. think augumented reality + virtual reality... anything is possible.

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:33 am
by brantlew
I appreciate the ambition, but it's really light on technical details and prototype demonstrations. The majority of the video is just concept CGI. There is a small portion at the backend that looks like some prototype results and reminds me of Kinect scene reconstruction. I think if you want to raise a lot of capital you will need to disclose some more design information and some background discussion in order to establish credibility.

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:57 pm
by Chriky
Oh man I don't mean to be rude but I think you might watch this video in a few years and cringe so hard :D

Anyway good luck with the project!

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:30 pm
by coresnake
500k lmao

I hope Palmer doesn't trip over with all these guys trying to ride his coattails

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:35 pm
by coresnake
Its evident that Kickstarter rejected your project, maybe you should take the hint and come back when you have something that works, instead of expecting half a mil for a video that shows NOTHING.

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:41 pm
by PalmerTech
The video on Youtube (Before it was private) is different from the one on Facebook. It showed his rig, explained the hardware a bit, and showed a demo of realtime surround capture.

I agree that an IndieGoGo campaign is a little premature, you need a lot more info to convince people to give you money. Keep in mind that my campaign had a goal of only $250k, and I think most of the people who contributed did so purely because they wanted to experience virtual reality themselves, not because they were already believers in the technology who wanted to see someone else develop a software solutions. There were people who contributed with no HMD reward, sure, but they accounted for only a couple percent of our total funds.

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:12 am
by kingrhomby

Re: Virtual Reality 3d depth capturing - Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:47 am
by Zaptruder
Run a more professional campaign. You'll get a lot more if backers get something out of it. Software, tools, etc.

And it needs to be obvious what the money is going towards. With physical products, the money is obviously largely going towards the setting up and manufacturing of the product that backers get.